It was certainly no ordinary day for the science team in the desert. Chief scientist Arthur noticed something stunning during a drone inspection—it was a ship in the middle of the desert! Mark and his entire team went to the ship, and once they arrived, they immediately went inside to inspect it. But little did they know that what they would find inside that ship would haunt them for the rest of their lives.
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Arthur got into the ship and immediately got chills from how it looked. He had never seen anything like this before. It was already strange that a ship could end up in this desert, but he could have never foreseen what he was about to discover. While walking through the corridors, he noticed that every door was barricaded. This was quite strange—why would all these doors be barricaded? Arthur couldn’t find a reason for it. Was there something dangerous behind those doors?
Arthur focused on one door in particular. It was a large door, barricaded with heavy steel pipes, and had a large sign with a skull on it that read: “DO NOT ENTER. THIS ROOM HOLDS MUCH DANGER.”
Arthur had never seen anything like this before. But as a researcher, his curiosity was stronger than his fear. He experienced chills down his back, a little afraid of what might be behind that door. But once more, he had a duty as a researcher—to find out what was behind that door. Perhaps he would make the discovery of his lifetime.
When Arthur met with his team, they also reported observing strange things happening on the ship. Everywhere they went, there was an eerie vibe. Some scientists even claimed to have heard sounds coming from certain rooms. Everybody laughed—there couldn’t be something living on this ship, right?
Arthur agreed that the ship was indeed spooky. He had never seen anything like this before, and how did it even get into the desert? He had so many questions he wanted to answer.
“But first, guys, I need to tell you something—something big. I’m going to show you the room I just saw. There was this door, barricaded, with a skull on it. But it got even weirder—there was also a faint sound coming from it. We need to know what it is. Let’s go!”
As they walked through the ship’s corridors, everyone fell silent. The ship had an eerie vibe—it was quiet, yet it wasn’t. Arthur had the impression that this ship was hiding something otherworldly, and he was determined to find out what.
Then, a loud noise came from the room. Everyone could hear it clearly. Arthur looked at his team and saw the horror in their eyes. Everyone moved away from the door out of fear—everyone except Arthur.
Arthur thought, Maybe there’s a person inside that room? It would be strange, as this ship seemed to have been here for decades. However, he had to try.
“Is someone inside?” he shouted.
He repeated himself several times, but there was no response. Arthur felt uneasy. Something big was hiding inside. It didn’t sound like a person—it sounded… otherworldly.
Just as Arthur was about to call out one last time, another loud noise erupted from the room. He couldn’t resist—he had to know what was inside. So, he decided to force the door open.
Arthur tried kicking the door with all his strength. Bang! Bang! Bang! Then another researcher took over, kicking it. But even with all their strength, they couldn’t break it down. They needed tools.
Arthur and his team searched the ship for something they could use to force the door open. After searching for 30 minutes, Arthur finally found a crowbar lying in the corner of a room. He grabbed it and called out to his team, “I found a crowbar! Stop searching and return to the door!”
Arthur rushed back to the door, his excitement growing. With all his might, he pressed the crowbar against the barricade—but it wouldn’t budge.
Then suddenly, another loud sound came from inside.
“What the heck is behind that door?” Arthur whispered.
He was determined to find out.
“We need to get some tools from the base camp and return,” he said. “I can sense something significant is hidden in that room.”
To avoid getting lost on their return, Arthur and his team marked several corridors as they made their way back to the helicopter. As they flew back to base camp, Arthur thought of nothing but that door. It intrigued him so much—there was something otherworldly behind it. This could be the discovery of his life.
During the flight, Arthur and his team debated what might be inside. Some speculated that it could be a person. However, if it were, why didn’t it respond? Others theorized it could be a never-before-seen creature.
When they arrived at base camp, everyone quickly ran out of the helicopter and gathered all the necessary tools—electric saws, claw tools—anything that could help break through the door.
But when they returned to the helicopter, the pilot looked surprised.
“I’m not flying at this time. It’s too late and too dangerous,” the pilot said.
Arthur refused to accept this. He was convinced he had found the discovery of a lifetime. He pleaded with the pilot, but the man didn’t yield. It was simply too dangerous to fly through the desert at night.
Arthur understood and agreed to return the next morning at 6:00 a.m.—but no later.
That night, Arthur couldn’t sleep. That door was burned into his memory. He wondered—had something already been written about this ship?
Grabbing his laptop, he searched online for a deserted ship that had gone missing.
After an hour of searching, he found something. A famous researcher, James, had written about a ship in the desert—the exact same location as Arthur’s discovery. But the content was censored.
Arthur had connections in the research world. He called an old colleague who had more contacts than he did, hoping he had James’s number.
A few minutes later, Arthur had it. His hands trembled as he dialed.
The phone rang.
After a few seconds, a voice answered.
“Hello? Who is this?”
Arthur explained his discovery, detailing the strange noises coming from the hidden room.
James, sounding paranoid, interrupted him: “Don’t go back. It will ruin your life.”
Arthur was puzzled. “Why?” he asked.
James refused to elaborate.
Despite the warning, Arthur couldn’t resist. This was a once-in-a-lifetime discovery.
The next morning, at breakfast, his colleagues asked if he had found anything new. He chose to keep James’s call a secret, simply stating that details about the ship had been censored online.
Satisfied, the team prepared for the expedition.
As they flew back to the ship, something felt different. The barricades that once blocked the doors were now open. A chill ran through Arthur.
Someone had been here.
Despite the unease, they pressed on. Arthur had marked the path to the locked room. When they arrived, the door was still barricaded.
The team immediately began drilling.
A loud noise erupted from inside. Startled, they hesitated. But then, the sound repeated—as if something inside was resisting their entry.
Undeterred, they pushed forward. Finally, the door gave way.
Arthur stepped in cautiously, sweeping his flashlight across the space. Suddenly, something large bolted past him!
Without hesitation, he chased it.
Beyond the door was not just a room—it was an entire network of corridors. Arthur caught a glimpse of the fleeing figure—it looked human!
“Stop!” he shouted.
The figure kept running.
Arthur sprinted and tackled them to the ground. The person fought back violently, reeking of decay.
Arthur finally gained control and turned them over. His breath caught.
It was the very scientist who had written about the ship online.
But the post had been from years ago.
Had this man been here all along?
The scientist—James—confessed. He had chosen to stay, unable to leave the ghost ship.
Arthur urged him to return, but James refused.
Respecting his wishes, Arthur agreed.
Arthur and his team left the ship—disappointed.
This was not the discovery of their lifetime.