
She Abandoned Her Disabled Son for Her new Lover but years later she Regretted it a lot- Touching Story (Video)

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Boy developed troubling symptoms suddenly his neck became so weak that he fell backward then his right arm couldn’t move within days recalled his mother dr riley bove he developed head-to-toe paralysis where he could kind of move his eyes a little bit and one side of his face. doctors diagnosed luca with acute flaccid myelitis or afm a mysterious neurological condition that can cause limb weakness and polio-like paralysis.

Mostly in young children afm is rare but in 2014 when luca became afflicted health authorities identified a burst of 120 cases since then afm has made headlines as cases have spiked every two years and nearly 600 have been confirmed across the country since 2014 max was one of those poor kids .

He was born very healthy and he didn’t have any problem he was living with his two parents anna and david in a small apartment his parents were always fighting together and they weren’t taking good care of him anna’s a beautiful middle-aged woman she came to the big city years ago she used to live in a small town in the south but she left with david a long time ago david was anna’s boyfriend.

He was the love of her life she was going out with him on behind the back of her parents because they didn’t like him they used to tell her that he was a lazy boy and he didn’t have a future but she never listened to them the parents were kind of right about david he was unemployed because he couldn’t keep one job for more than a month and sometimes he couldn’t keep his job for even a week.

David was an alcoholic and he was using drugs sometimes and i didn’t care about that all she wanted was to be with david anyway she was having so much fun with him they were going out together drinking together and even sometimes smoking drugs together.

One day anna told david that she wanted to leave town with him and she was telling him about how much her parents were pushing her away from him and she didn’t like that david didn’t have anything to stay in town for that anna didn’t take so much time to convince david to leave with her.

Especially that as she said in the beginning he didn’t have anything to lose in that town anna’s parents woke up some morning and they didn’t find their daughter anywhere around she was only 17 years old at the time and they were still responsible for her so they were looking for her everywhere.

They went from house to house and from a store to another asking everyone in the street if they saw her until some one of their friends told him that they saw her going out with david they went to david’s apartment but it was too late they found out that they already left the apartment that morning .

The building owner told them that david came to him the other day and said that he’s going to leave the town forever and he isn’t planning on coming back again soon the parents realize that they’ll never see their daughter again once they arrived in the big city.

The couple was very happy they went to a motel to stay there anna stole some money from her parents before she left and david sold a couple of things on his staff so they had enough money to stay in that motel for at least a month but they decided to celebrate their first night in the city so they went to the club and got very drunk they ended up spending half the money .

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