
She Dumped Her Husband And Their 2 Black Kids. Three Years Later, She Deeply Regretted It!

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When a cruel and greedy young woman dumps her husband and their two black kids, she believes she’s heading for a better life with a rich man. Three years later, she learns an important lesson and deeply regrets her actions.

Sarah gathered up her coat and bag and dashed out of the bank. She told her manager that she needed the afternoon off for a medical appointment, and no questions had been asked. But in truth, Sarah didn’t have a medical appointment. She was about to do something truly shocking


All the way home, her mind raced, and she had to concentrate to keep her hands from shaking. She had no idea where the sudden nerves had come from because she had been planning this day for a long time now. When she pulled up outside her house, the home she’d shared with her husband for the past eight years, Sarah’s body filled with revulsion. How had she ended up with the life she currently had, with a waste-of-space husband and two kids she could barely stand to be around?

Storming into the house, Sarah found Mike in the office where he spent all his days lately. Mike had been searching for a job for six months now and was still out of work. Sarah had reached a breaking point. Being the sole provider for the family was exhausting, and it was time to put an end to it. Life with Mike had been bearable while he was bringing home money, but she wasn’t about to give up on the life she’d grown to love while he sat around jobless.

When Mike noticed his wife was home early, he greeted her warmly but was met with a cold stare before Sarah stomped upstairs. Mike didn’t think there was anything out of the ordinary. Though since he lost his well-paying accounting job, Sarah’s disdain for him seemed to grow and grow. It was like she’d lost all respect for him and couldn’t even be bothered to hide it anymore. Mike was trying his best to find a new job. It was soul-destroying enough being out of work at his age, but his wife’s reaction just made him feel even worse about himself. The two barely spoke these days, and when they did, Sarah would always have something cruel to say about his situation.

Mike sighed and returned to his job search while he could hear his wife moving about upstairs. There was no point in asking her why she was home early because he knew she wouldn’t answer him. Suddenly, he was aware of something being dragged down the stairs, and curiosity got the better of him. He leaned back in his chair to see his wife dragging a large suitcase. He was puzzled to see it as she’d never mentioned any work trips, let alone trips so long she would need her biggest bag for. Mike stood up and asked Sarah where she was going, but she just blanked him and went back upstairs. Two minutes later, she returned with a second suitcase.

Now Mike had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, so he asked once again what was going on. Sarah looked her husband up and down with a look of disgust on her face. “I’m leaving you,” she spat at him. Mike stood with his mouth open in shock and then told her she couldn’t leave like this. What would the kids think? But Sarah’s reply chilled him to the bone. “I don’t care about you or those black kids of yours. They’re not babies anymore; they’ll be fine without me.”

Mike had known things weren’t great between them, but he’d never imagined that she would leave or say such cruel things about their kids. He felt like he didn’t know the woman standing in front of him anymore. As more bags and boxes were loaded into the car, Mike just felt completely helpless. How could Sarah dump him and their two kids so easily? She didn’t even look upset. The cruel woman had one more parting blow for her husband, though. As she climbed into her car, she told Mike that she was sick of being the sole provider and him leeching off of her money. She didn’t work hard for him to sit at home all day. Before he could defend himself, she slammed the door shut and drove away.

Mike watched as the car disappeared down the road. Is that really what she thought of him? Did she not know how hard he tried to get a new job? Heartbroken and defeated, Mike went back inside and up to the bathroom that, until a few moments ago, he’d shared with his wife. Closet doors were hanging open, and drawers had been rifled through. In packing up her life, Sarah had left behind complete chaos. Mike began to tidy up, feeling numb to the situation. But when he caught sight of their wedding photo on the chest of drawers, he slumped down on the bed and began to cry. Memories of his life with her filled his mind.

Mike and Sarah had met at college when he was in his final year and she was in her second. They’d both been studying late one night in the library when he saw her struggling to reach a book on one of the high shelves. She was just about to go in search of a stool to stand on when Mike reached up and pulled the book down for her. With a shy smile, she thanked him and returned to her seat, but Mike couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Before he packed up for the night, he slid a note onto her table with his phone number. To his surprise, Sarah messaged him the next day, and soon the pair arranged a first date.

When Mike left college, he bagged himself a fantastic job at an accounting firm, and Sarah seemed impressed. Suddenly, he had more money than he’d ever had and used most of it to spoil his girlfriend. She was still in college and dreamed of the point where she graduated and could also bag her dream job so they could properly start their lives together. However, things wouldn’t go according to Sarah’s plan. Upon graduation, Sarah began to apply for hundreds of jobs, but each time she was unsuccessful. Months and months went by with nothing, and soon it became easier for her to rely on Mike’s money.

When he proposed, Sarah immediately said yes, growing more accustomed to being kept by him. The couple had a simple wedding, and not long after, Sarah fell pregnant. Mike was overjoyed with the news, but Sarah never seemed overly excited. Knowing things would be tough just relying on his wage with a baby on the way, Mike took a second job as a food delivery driver. It was a far cry from his corporate daytime job, but he needed all the money he could get. Sarah had become accustomed to a certain way of life that she didn’t seem willing to give up, even with a baby on the way.

Sarah gave birth to a boy, who they named Ben, and fatherhood just seemed to come naturally to Mike. However, although Sarah was never mean to her child, she wasn’t exactly the most loving mother. When Ben was one, she finally landed a good job in a bank. The young mom seemed relieved that she no longer needed to spend all day looking after her child. With his wife now earning a good wage, Mike felt confident enough to quit his evening job and focus on his accounting career.

He was sure with both of them working, everything would be okay between them. And when he landed a job in a huge new firm, it certainly seemed like things were looking up. Mike’s salary had almost doubled. After years of being the sole earner, he now had no financial worries at all. Sarah was earning good money, and he was making more than he could imagine. But rather than being sensible, the couple got wrapped up in living a lavish lifestyle. With new cars, trips away with Ben, and big shopping sprees, they lived a comfortable life but had no savings, and this fact would soon catch them out.

Two years after their son was born, Sarah was pregnant again. Once again, she expressed little joy about the news, and Mike couldn’t understand her. He loved Ben and was beyond excited to become a father once again. When their daughter, Molly, arrived, Mike spared no expense on her either. Sarah played her part in feeding and bathing the kids, but she didn’t have the same bond that her husband seemed to have with them. However, she was more than fine with that, and as soon as she could, she returned to work, placing Ben and Molly in daycare. For a while, everything was great.

Mike and Sarah got along well, although Mike could hardly say they were as love-struck as they had once been. The kids were happy, and money wasn’t an issue. But Mike had no idea that things weren’t going well at his company. Before long, it went bust, and he lost his job through no fault of his own. With no savings, they now only had Sarah’s wage to rely on, and it was a huge crash back to reality.

Mike had supported the family for years on his own, though, so he didn’t doubt that his wife would return the favor. But he was wrong. Sarah hated the fact that Mike didn’t have a job. She’d become accustomed to regular beauty appointments, buying designer clothes, and going on lavish vacations, and now she couldn’t do any of that because her money had to go towards the bills and the kids. When Mike had been earning good money, playing the doting wife and mother had been tolerable, but now she couldn’t stand it. However, when she met Carl through her work, all of her problems seemed resolved. Carl was ridiculously wealthy, and it was obvious he was falling in love with Sarah. That was when she saw a way of getting out of her marriage to Mike and dumping him and their two kids for good.

The sound of the door opening pulled Mike back to the present. He wiped his eyes and looked at the clock. Two hours had already passed since Sarah had driven off, and now his kids were home. He ran downstairs and scooped them up, holding them tightly. He had no idea how he was going to cope with no money and no support, but

he had to find a way. His kids meant everything to him, but there was no way he could tell them Sarah had left. So he told them that their mommy was away on a work trip and wouldn’t be back for a while. As the weeks passed, though, it became clear that neither of the kids missed Sarah as much as Mike had feared, and he began to realize that she’d never really spent time with them anyway.

When friends and family heard about what Sarah had done, they stepped in to help Mike and the kids in any way they could. Mike hated accepting charity from anyone, though, and felt ashamed of his situation. He was also heartbroken. He loved Sarah for many years, but it was clear to him now that she had never felt the same. He also felt guilty that Ben and Molly would grow up without a mother, and if he didn’t get a job soon, then he feared they wouldn’t be able to keep the house.

Meanwhile, he was also dealing with the divorce papers that had landed on his doorstep, citing irreconcilable differences. Even though he’d heard that Sarah was already living with another man, he didn’t have it in him to put up a fight and signed the papers. After what felt like hundreds of job rejections, Mike heard of a new firm looking for accountants just outside of town. It would be the perfect job if he could just be given a chance. When he secured an interview, it finally felt like a bit of luck was shining on him. However, the interview would turn out to be one of the strangest encounters he’d ever had.

Upon entering the interview room, Mike was introduced to the panel who would be screening him. Sat in the middle was the company’s CEO, a young black woman named Cassie. Mike was blown away by how beautiful Cassie was and wasn’t sure how he’d be able to get through the interview without staring at her unprofessionally. Somehow, he managed it, though, and even impressed the whole panel to the point that he was offered the job instantly. He couldn’t believe it. The salary on offer was the best he’d ever seen. He immediately accepted the job and couldn’t wipe the smile from his face the whole way home. But he also couldn’t stop thinking about Cassie.

On his first day, she popped into his office and asked if he’d like to go and grab a coffee. She told him that she liked to get to know all of her staff because she wanted everyone to feel comfortable talking to her about anything. At first, Mike tried to keep the chat professional, but it soon became clear that Cassie was more interested in his personal life. She asked him if he had a wife and kids and revealed that she’d been engaged but had lost her partner in a terrible accident two years ago. They’d been planning to start a family after they’d gotten married but never got the chance. Mike felt sorry for the young woman. However, the irony was not lost on him. He had exactly what she missed: two motherless children who needed love, and she was a childless mother with lots of love to give. But he knew there was no way he could have a relationship with his boss.

Soon after, Cassie started regularly visiting Mike’s office, always on the grounds of having something work-related to discuss. However, he was sure that there were other people she could discuss these things with. It almost seemed like she was making excuses to see him and talk to him. And one evening, he realized that his instinct had been right. As he was getting ready to go home, Cassie came into his office and closed the door behind her. She admitted she had feelings for him and promised to be mature and professional about his decision, whatever it might be. Mike couldn’t believe it. He’d not once considered dating since Sarah had left almost a year ago, but he had to admit he was drawn to Cassie’s fun and warm personality, not to mention her beauty. So he told her he would like to get to know her better as well.

When the pair began dating, Mike was sure he was the happiest he’d ever been. Having two kids to think about, he wanted to take things slow with Cassie, but he could tell he was falling in love, and fast. So after a month, he cautiously introduced Ben and Molly to Cassie. Thankfully, it turned out he’d had nothing to worry about.

The kids loved Cassie, and she seemed to care for them too. They began to spend more and more time together, and soon they felt like a family. Mike couldn’t believe how much his luck had turned around. He had a fantastic job, a wonderful girlfriend, and his kids were happy. Just a year into the relationship, Mike proposed to Cassie. The young CEO couldn’t be happier. She would finally have a good man by her side and two wonderful children who could fill her heart with love. She might not be their mother, but she would love them all the same. But she was in for a huge surprise.

Just before the wedding, Ben and Molly approached Cassie and asked if they could start calling her “Mom.” The young woman was blown away. She’d always wanted to be a mom, and Ben and Molly were amazing. The family finally felt complete, and for a while, life felt like a dream come true. However, Mike should have known that life doesn’t always go smoothly.

Three years after she dumped her husband and their kids, Sarah turned up on his doorstep begging forgiveness, saying she deeply regretted her actions. Although Mike was shocked that Sarah dared to turn up at his home, he wasn’t surprised to learn that things with Carl hadn’t worked out. Sarah had never moved away, and as such, Mike still heard the occasional thing about her through mutual acquaintances. Carl had seen right through Sarah’s intentions to leech off his money and had mistreated her since day one.

Although Mike was sorry that she’d gone through that, he didn’t want her anywhere near his family. Sarah was the kind of woman only interested in a man for his money, and Mike had learned that lesson far too late. He knew that she hadn’t come back because she missed him or the kids. She simply couldn’t stand the fact he’d got a fantastic job and she wasn’t entitled to a penny of his salary.

Mike had been blind to Sarah’s ways when they were together, but the fact that she hadn’t once asked about the kids during her groveling speech spoke volumes to him. She hadn’t changed at all; she just wanted her hands on his money. Mike knew that both he and the kids were far better off with Cassie. There was no point in holding any grudges because he finally had his dream life with Cassie and the kids, but Sarah could not be a part of their lives.

She would have to deal with her regret and her actions alone. When Mike told her all of this and closed the door, Sarah was shocked. She’d expected her ex-husband to be the same old pushover, but now she realized that she truly had left behind a good man and forever ruined her relationship with her kids. She would have to live with that for the rest of her life.

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