A nurse found a baby abandoned on the beach and raised him as her own. Years later when the king of Belgium knocked on her door, she couldn’t believe that her son was actually a prince.
In 2005, in La after an exhausting day at the hospital, Jessica couldn’t wait to get home and rest. She had spent hours on end caring for patients, from simple cases to critical situations that required all her skill and dedication as a nurse.

Even though she was tired, she never stopped smiling and showing empathy for her patients, which made her so special and loved by everyone. Jessica was a humble 25-year-old woman who, as usual, took the bus home from work.
That day, she faced a 40-minute journey on public transport, squeezed between other equally tired people. As the vehicle bumped along the poorly paved streets, when she got off the bus, the nurse still had a few minutes to walk home, and the sea breeze from La brought a little relief and comfort to her aching body. As she walked alongside the beach, the young woman felt the tension in her…..Read Full Story Here…….