The first few months of a baby’s life are very important for parents, and, of course, they want to capture it all on camera for posterity. It seems that in the good old days when there were videotapes and people carefully planned exactly what they were going to record (to keep or not), there was a much better chance to capture all the most interesting things at the right moment.

Today, in the digital world, we can shoot and record anything we want, but it’s of little use. The good thing is that we don’t need to store that video permanently, so we delete what we don’t like and try, try again.
A very touching moment was caught on camera as a little girl plays with her little brother. The little girl we all know and love is named Mary, and she just recently got a new best friend in the form of her little brother. The tandem of baby and toddler is a winning combination, no matter how you slice it. Mary makes silly faces at her brother, and the adorable boy leans over to kiss her popsicle.
Then she turns away, and the boy starts hopping on his butt to get closer to her and reaches out to hug her. She lets him go, but he reaches out to hug her again. So small, but he already knows how strong a hug is and how great its healing power is. This is Brotherly Love—such a precious moment. The girl’s mom said, “I was trying to catch the moment when these two were talking to each other. Instead, I got this in the video. To me, as their mother, there is nothing more touching than this moment.”
If you think this girl looks familiar to you, you’re not wrong. A few months ago, we have already seen Mary in one viral video where she is telling off her mom because her mom won’t let her pick up rocks from the ground and put them in her mouth. That rock must be very tasty and worth haggling and bargaining for.
That’s such a great story, friends! What do you think about it? Have you, dear viewer, fought or lived peacefully with your siblings?