She married this man for his money, not knowing that he had it all worked out from the start- Touching Story

being a millionaire sounds like the best thing that can happen to you doesn’t it first of all student loans in debt are a thing of the past and your financial security is not a concern then you can buy yourself anything you want which is clearly a plus well that is surely the case with many millionaires but Marcel anfu is not one of them Fame and Glory were part of his dreams all he wanted was love which he eventually found although Marcel adored his wife she was not the person she appeared to be.
this Parisian was hiding a very dark secret some people don’t do things by halves and reinvent the term humility it is rare to find this category of people because many are proud to weigh this Banner of the millionaire.
however in the case of Marcel anfou he perfectly illustrates the category mentioned above if we had the humility Olympics he’d pick up the gold medals like they were seashells on the beach Marcel has lived much of his life in the French Alps rarely leaving them unless he has to his home was a simple wooden Shack that lacked modern Comforts such as running water and electricity and honestly that would be heartbreaking for us despite his dubious appearance Marcel owned huge tracks of land in the very lucrative Alps located near the village of pie sink Pierre the region was a Haven for tourism and a major Center for investment and several Resorts and ski systems had been set up to meet demand this caused land prices to rise drastically further increasing Marcel’s net worth however unlike his neighbors Marcel decided to build a few houses and rent them out for an indefinite period even with his growing Fortune .
the old man never changed and continued to live a simple and humble life at that time Marcel was surely one of the richest people in the region and building a seaside resort would have brought him a lot of money but he had other plans despite his rather Thrifty spending habits and reclusive Lifestyle the old man was very generous with those close to him .
He decided to build cabins on his private land for his friends and family besides he never asked them for a penny and let them live there for free in short he could even keep his friends and family members close to him but was it the Calm before the storm it was a concern for his friends and family who only wanted his happiness but what they didn’t know me at was that not only was their comrades love life about to change unexpectedly but he was also about to make headlines Marcel was introduced to Sandra novellard a beautiful young woman who had captured the old man’s heart at first Sandrine had come to the area with the intention of buying land but Marcel was not ready to part with his land.
however the young woman took a keen interest in the businessman and invited him to lunch and very soon the old recluse began to open his heart to her unlike Marcel’s other interactions with members of the fairer sacks Sandrine wasn’t bothered by the patriarchy’s questionable standards of hygiene and bizarre appearance instead she accepted him for who he was which was more than enough for the resident millionaire despite the very visible romance between the two their lifestyle made people react naturally Marcel’s Entourage and the villagers were rather worried about sandrine’s intentions.
considering that they barely knew her and had the impression that the couple was going too fast they only had the old man’s best interests at heart and they probably saw Sandrine as an intruder in their Haven of Peace despite Fierce opposition Marcel fought for his love and decided to stay with his partner on the other hand Sandrine categorically insisted that she intended to spend her whole life with him defending her decision even more looks like she wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon and then something shocking happened.
Shaking everyone the calm millionaire proposed to his mate he had lived such a life of seclusion that such a spontaneous gesture was quite out of character This Time Again The Alarm Bells began to ring from Marcel’s family but what could they do they hoped her actions would demonstrate that all she wanted was Marcel’s Fortune maybe now that they were engaged she would try to control her money or ask for expensive gifts after all the engagement had come out of nowhere what if they decided to get married that soon receiving mail is a daily occurrence which is also annoying but this time the whole village trembled when the mail was delivered it was what they had been dreading from the start the invitation to Marcel and sandring’s wedding it was going to take place in the Village Chapel and everyone was invited the days passed and there were many preparations from the flowers to the outfit it looked like it was going to be a big event.
slowly but surely the date finally arrived and the villagers headed for the chapel despite the efforts of the majority of diners to keep their emotions in check some were not so discreet in fact there was even a crowd booing and jeering at the newlyweds as they left the chapel after their vows isn’t that awful Sandrine on the other hand was visibly broken it was clear that people considered her an enemy and she couldn’t help him from that day on the villagers in Marcel’s family did not spare him displaying their dissatisfaction with the new bride.
It was very upsetting for the couple but it was obvious that they would have to deal with this situation one way or another to any unsuspecting Outsider they weren’t unusual but adorable couple but nothing touched these villagers after the marriage Fiasco and the endless harassment Sandrine and had enough of it all she had tried her best to get along with everyone and it was getting exhausting .
the duo decided to take a unique approach to this Union do you feel like putting forward a hypothesis as to the nature of this approach they had decided to live separately what was happening Sandrine intended to return to Paris and Marcel would stay here in his village when questioned they simply replied that it was easy for them since Sandrine had to take care of her business in Paris and Marcel had to keep an eye on his land besides she was ready to jump on a plane whenever Marcel needed her .
So distance was not a concern the villagers hoped that was the case because they were married now after all they had wanted Marcel to be happy despite the busy business woman’s explanation but locals were still convinced that she left to avoid Marcels from her life a year later while sandri was visiting Marcel they went out with friends of Sandrine they treated it like a road trip and it was a very pleasant ride until it took a Sinister turn the driver lost control of the vehicle and in a second their lives changed on impact Marcel had already left this world and sandring was now a widow.
it was terrible and the word is weak and when people heard the news the whole village wept and mourned this man loved by all once the first shock passed and the pain began to subside the crowds cope with the situation in a different way they even went so far as to accuse Sandrine of murder after the disastrous ceremony another about face was being prepared a distraught sandering made an announcement that silenced all rumors she asserted that she was the sole heir to the Millionaire’s Fortune.
which was not to the liking of the audience present she added that she wanted to evict the residents and develop the land Marcel himself had offered these lands to his family and friends this news was a great shock to everyone present she was disrespecting Marcel’s wishes during his funeral this was the straw that broke the camel’s back leading to a heated conflict between Marcel’s parents and the Widow unbeknownstable parties the situation was about to take an unexpected turn as the old man had left a few tricks in his bag.
The lawyers advised the family that if Marcel had any doubts about his wife he would have left some kind of warning for those who were dear to him but no one remembered such a thing for Marcel after hours of rummaging through Marcel’s belongings in this cabinet love they found a handwritten document was this the shocking well that Sandrine was talking about it was a hole but it didn’t contain anything.
Sandering had supposedly seen and read apparently before his untimely passing the shrewd businessman had changed as well first of all his entire Fortune went to his nephew the tenants who lived on his lands would also get full legal rights to those properties all of his possessions would go to his family and each of them including his friends could keep the cabins he had built for them.
it was The Ultimate Gift and everyone had tears in their eyes remembering what a humble and kind soul Marcel had been they would be indebted to him all their lives ironically Sandrine was not mentioned anywhere in the will which took Everyone by surprise did Marcel understand the true nature of his wife after all despite the nature of the will it was still notarized which added to its legitimacy in court this made sandrine’s case an uphill battle but she fought on anyway and went to court claiming that Marcel’s signature had been forged since it was a real possibility the legal battle started up again but it seemed like a decision was going to be made very soon however his luck had run out and when the cattle fell in.
the judge declared that the legitimacy of the wool had to be respected this only meant one thing nothing had been left to sandering the Widow and the suspicions of the villagers had been confirmed we wonder why Marcel didn’t disconcert Sandra earlier maybe he also had a penchant for the melodramatic and such a revelation after so long would do even more damage the return home must have been very bitter for the Intriguing diamond digger