She Notices a Strange Line On Her Baby’s Toe And Warns Other Moms After Discovering The Usual -(Video)

It’s well known that mothers have an instinct that tells them when something is wrong with their children, but this sense is even more honed when the child is a baby.
A woman known as Heather Fricks can attest to this more than anyone she noticed something was wrong with her baby’s feet and went to the hospital to get them checked out what they discovered was a bigger problem than she expected and something she felt she needed to warn other parents about.
Heather Fricks gave birth to her first child Jacob she was overjoyed at the opportunity to finally start a family with her husband, a dream they had both had for a long time and she wanted to celebrate by having an unforgettable Christmas party to introduce Jacob to their friends and family but her plans were sidelined when she discovered an odd mark on her son’s toes upon discovering the mark Heather and her husband immediately took Jacob to the hospital.
They didn’t hesitate to cancel the party to prioritize their child and they would be glad they did when they found out what was wrong they were in for a horrible experience, one that affected them so strongly that they felt the need to warn other parents about it so they could avoid going through the same thing.
Heather spoke of how she put Jacob to bed for a nap one day not suspecting anything could be wrong later she came back to find his toes blue and tied together with a lock of her hair she removed as much hair as she could but was shocked at what had happened as she hadn’t known that such a thing was even possible .
what happened to Jacob is known as a hair tourniquet or tourniquet syndrome it occurs when hair gets wrapped around a baby’s limb or extremities and could become very serious if it cuts off the blood circulation to that limb .
Please Watch Video Below for complete details: