
She saw her Daughter and son-in-law, who Had Died 5 years ago and Decided to Follow Them

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“Margaret Goodman checked the contents of the travel bags she was planning on taking with her on a trip to the ocean Coast. The woman knew that if she were to go to Santa Monica alone, her luggage would be half the size. However, at that moment, Mrs. Goodman was only thinking of how to please her grandchildren, Liam and Nancy. The elderly woman felt extremely sorry for the children ever since their parents died in a car crash.

“Grandma, can I swim on a pool float?” asked Liam, who wanted to see the ocean more than anything else in the world.

“Of course, dear. You can swim or you can relax and sunbathe under the gentle California sun,” Mrs. Goodman answered with a smile. At the same time, the elderly woman furtively wiped away a tear as she looked at the wedding photograph hanging on the wall. It pictured her late daughter and son-in-law. If Darcy and Albert were around right now, they would certainly be happy for Liam and Nancy,” Mrs. Goodman whispered.

“Painful memories of the events that happened five years ago were still fresh in the woman’s mind. On that fateful day, Darcy and Albert left the kids with Mrs. Goodman and went out of town on a camping trip. Unfortunately, they were driving home after dark, and according to the police report, Albert was going over the speed limit, which was most likely what caused the accident. Having lost control of the car, the man rammed into the…Read Full Story Here…,..

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