
She Tried to Cheer up her Dying Sister By Blowing Air Into Her Belly Button – And Then a Miracle Happened

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When Amy and Stephen Smith’s daughter, Poppy, was born, they noticed that something was wrong with her. She was born prematurely and was diagnosed with Mobius Syndrome, a rare disease that affects the facial muscles and makes speaking and eating difficult.

Poppy spent her initial days in the intensive care unit, but her condition slowly improved. Despite her illness, her parents were hopeful that she would grow up to be a healthy little girl.

And when she was 15 months old she started walking, and her parents were very happy. But she still had trouble making sounds, and she could not laugh or smile because of the illness.

It all went for a while, but when she celebrated two years, something tragic happened. Poppy became very ill.

Her mother found her unconscious in bed and immediately took her to intensive care. The doctors discovered that the girl’s lungs were full of……Read Full Story Here…….

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