
Single Dad Adopts 3 Brothers So They Can Stay Together after His Family Tragedy: ‘God Wanted Us to Be Together’

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James Smith, a human resources executive at Caesar’s Entertainment, opened up about his journey to becoming a father. He had dreamed of being a father for a long time.

And while it was strongly embedded in his heart that he would realize this dream someday, it was a family tragedy that deepened this desire.

After losing his father on June 30, 2021, the New Orleans resident knew that as much as he was single, he wanted kids to pass to them his father’s legacy and name.

Smith started the journey to become a father by looking into adoption options, and to his surprise, that is how his dream came true.

A month before Smith’s adoption journey began, People Magazine did a feature story about six groups of siblings awaiting adoption in an adoptive home. Among the siblings featured were three brothers Tayveon, 11, Ireon, 10, and Tayvon, 9, the young brothers lived in Los Angeles and were so used to……Read Full Story Here…,….

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