
Stranger Man Left a Newborn Baby on the Bus and Run Away, The Driver Did Something Shocking- Touching Story

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Lucas was driving to another city but there was a baby that wouldn’t stop crying on his bus he reached one of the stops and decided to scold the parents for not doing anything about it that’s when he realized the baby was alone and had to do something he had never imagined the crying had been going for way too long on the bus and Lucas couldn’t imagine how his passengers were tolerating the noise at this point Lucas was driving the bus from Miami to Orlando a course that took around three hours for almost the entire trip a baby had been crying in the back.

it wasn’t a big deal at first but it was getting on his nerves now he couldn’t stop the bus until he reached Orlando because it was part of the protocol that he could only make specific stops in Miami and then several in Orlando he hoped one of the passengers would tell the baby’s parents to do something but nothing happened that poor child kept wailing for the entire trip he was almost too relieved to reach the next stop at least no more Maria that’s crazy she’s a stranger’s child I can call social services or something I can’t handle babies he responded panicked he stood up from his driver’s seat and started treading to the back hello passengers can someone tell me who the crying baby’s parents are he announced to the people sitting close to the back some of them looked relieved that.

someone was finally addressing the issue but no one spoke up they looked around as Lucas did and eventually their expressions turned to puzzlement hello who are the baby’s parents he asked again hoping for an answer but again no one replied sir I think that baby is alone someone at the back spoke up pointing toward one of the seats Lucas frowned and walked to the seat where the crying baby’s carrier was situated he discovered the baby was a girl and there was no one beside her

Are you sure could her mother be in the bathroom Lucas asked the passenger who spoke up I don’t know I only noticed that the baby was alone when she started crying but I’m not good with babies so I just ignored it the passenger stated and shrunk her shoulders that’s crazy did someone abandon their baby on a bus from Miami to Orlando what is going on Lucas wondered and another passenger chimed in.

I can watch her for a while I have grandbabies and I can put them asleep I didn’t say anything earlier because I had no idea what was going on but I can help a kind lady offered picking up the baby carrier to take it to her spot thank you ma’am we’ll find out what’s going on soon hopefully Lucas expressed his gratitude and went back to his seat to resume driving worried about the baby Lucas decided to call the central office and discovered something he had never imagined apparently the child’s mother had been making a fuss at the office trying to get answers about her baby she was on the bus with the baby when she decided to help an elderly lady get off the bus with her groceries unfortunately the bus doors closed before she could re-embark and that’s why the baby was alone.

Jesus that’s crazy Lucas told the secretary Maria who had taken his call so what happens now unfortunately yours was the last bus to Orlando today so the lady won’t be able to get to her daughter soon Lucas you’re going to have to keep the baby until her mother picks her up tomorrow Maria stated making Lucas jaw drop no Maria that’s crazy she’s a stranger’s child I can call social services or something I can’t handle babies he responded panicked.

Lucas you can’t do that she’ll get in trouble and it wasn’t her fault she seems like a lovely lady she was so worried please can you help her out I’ll give her your address she’ll take the first bus to Orlando tomorrow please sometimes we have to help each other out right Maria pleaded and Lucas finally caved in when he completed his route Lucas picked up the baby carrier and took the child home his wife Julie would be stunned to say the least for several years he had expressed his dislike for children and how he didn’t want to have them at all the idea saddened Julie but she loved him and wanted him to be happy what’s going on Julie said when her husband walked in with a baby carrier he explained everything that happened and she finally smiled.

wow darling I’m shocked I can’t believe you agreed to something like that she said her grin getting wider I know right but well Maria convinced me that it was the right thing to do and I mean it’s my day off tomorrow I can certainly wait for that mother to come pick her up he added with a Chagrin smile surprisingly that night with the baby was one of the best of Lucas and Julie’s life she was so tiny and vulnerable but she smiled as they cooted her luckily she was also All Cried Out

So she slept soundly when they put her in a tiny makeshift bed in their guest room the baby’s mother Cynthia arrived bright and early the following morning with tears in her eyes thank you thank you so much I’m such an idiot she’s a newborn for God’s sake I shouldn’t have traveled.

but I wanted to visit my mother then I saw a woman struggling to get off the bus with her groceries and I couldn’t help myself I wanted to help her she scolded herself don’t worry your baby is a delight although Lucas said she cried on the bus so much Julie said padding the new Mother’s arm what’s her name by the way oh it’s Darla Cynthia replied cooing as Julie passed her the baby carrier yeah .

she was fine as long as someone paid attention to her but then she fell right asleep Lucas chimed in smiling Cynthia thanked them again and left with her baby when they closed the door Lucas turned to his wife with pursed lips and a glint of something in his eye you know having a baby wouldn’t be so bad Julie’s eyes widened in Surprise and she jumped into his arms a year later they had their own daughter Darla named in honor of the baby that had changed his mind

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