
Teacher Visits a Boy Who Skips School And Learns a Tragic Reality About Him

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“A teacher learns her pupil is skipping school and decides to pay him a surprise visit. Little does she know, she’s about to discover a heartbreaking truth about the boy that would change their lives forever. Mrs. Whitaker’s heart sank that morning when she returned from the school playground. For the first time that year, Jaime had opened up to her about his family.

As a teacher, Mrs. Whitaker was aware of her limitations. It wasn’t her job to pry into her students’ lives. But little Jamie was so different. Not because she had a soft corner for him, but because he was the sweetest and kindest boy in her class. Despite being only seven, he’d never been in trouble, and he’d always been too quiet for someone his age.

So that day, when she saw him in the playground with a Polaroid camera, she decided to have a little talk with him. If only she knew that talk would change her life forever.

“That’s a lovely camera you’ve got, darling,” Mrs. Whitaker remarked, and the young boy turned to face her. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “Daddy got it for me. So, have you got any pictures in there? May I look?”

Jamie shook his head. “Not yet, but I know I’ll get some pretty clicks. Daddy was a photographer, and he loved taking pictures.”

“Oh, did he? Well, I guess that’s what smart daddies do,” she said with a smile. “You know, my daddy, he was a literature professor, so his talents were explaining Shakespeare and Dante and all those writers to his students. Not as fun as photography, you see.”It was then she noticed the,.Read Full Story Here

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