Ted Cruz Fires Back at Gregg Popovich for Trashing His Gun Safety Proposal: ‘Hypocritically’ Lecturing His Fans from a ‘Point of Ignorance’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) went after San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich for criticizing his plan to combat gun violence by placing more police officers at schools.
Last week, Popovich spoke out against gun violence at a pregame news conference and even called out Cruz by name.
“When we were in school, we worried if Nancy would dance with us on Friday after the football game or something. That was, that was our anxiety,” Popovich said. “But they’re gonna cloak all this stuff. You know, the myth of the Second Amendment, the freedom, you know, it’s just, it’s a myth. It’s a joke. It’s just a game they play.”
“I mean, that’s freedom. Is it? Freedom for kids to go to school and try to socialize and try to learn and be scared to death, that they might die that day, but Ted Cruz will fix it cause he is gonna double the number of cops into schools,” Popovich added. “That’s what he wants to do. Well, that’ll create a great environment. Is that freedom or is it freedom to have a congressman who can make a postcard with all his family holding rifles, including AR-15 or whatever. Is that cool?”
Cruz responded on the Wednesday edition of his podcast, Verdict with Ted Cruz.
“We’ve seen for a long time that there are a lot of institutions in sports that don’t really like their fans very much, don’t really like their customers — don’t respect their customers — that look down on them. Popovich is someone who has been a partisan for a long time. He’s a liberal Democrat,” Cruz said before noting that he’s a fan of the Texas team.
“You see this in the NBA, you see it in the NFL, these incredibly rich athletes who hypocritically disdain their fans and customers and who lecture them almost inevitably from a point of ignorance,” Cruz added.
Cruz then went after Popovich’s claim that the Second Amendment is a myth.
“That’s a fairly astonishing proposition. And I would note you’ve been to NBA games. I’ve been to NBA games. You know what there are a lot of at NBA games? Police officers,” Cruz noted. “Popovich is surrounded by armed security most of the time. And this is true with so many Hollywood liberals that have armed bodyguards protecting them. And they say, ‘You little people, you don’t have a right to defend your family. You don’t have a right to defend your children but me. I’m gonna be surrounded in perfect safety and take away your rights to defend yourself.’”
Cruz noted how Popovich supported Beto O’Rourke when he ran against Cruz for Senate.
“I thought it was really striking what he went after me at in this little rant, he went after me for proposing that we double the number of police officers in schools. And he says, ‘Do you want that?’ Let me be clear. Yes, I want that. I don’t get this recent conceit of leftists that police officers don’t make us more safe, but like it is a bizarre view,” Cruz said.
“Leftists, like Popovich put none of the blame on George Soros DAs that are releasing murderers. They put none of the blame on the leftists that they support, who are calling for abolishing the police. Instead, they put the blame on you for exercising your right to keep and bear arms to protect your family and your children,” Cruz concluded.