
Texas Mom Is Broken When She Learns Teacher Allegedly Taped Her Son, 10, to Chair: ‘He Is Not an Animal’

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In a shocking incident that has left a Texas mother heartbroken, a 10-year-old boy was allegedly duct-taped to his chair by his teacher in an attempt to calm him down.

The incident occurred at the boy’s school on a Wednesday morning, and when Charlotte Johnson received a phone call informing her of the alleged ordeal, she was left devastated.

Per reports, the educator fastened the little boy to his chair with tape before exiting the classroom. News of the purported altercation was met with immense anger from netizens who hoped justice would be served.

The Mother Received a Shocking Phone Call
A disturbing incident involving a teacher has sparked outrage and concern in the community. Reports reveal that a student claimed that a teacher had duct-taped him to his desk chair.

As a result, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave. Zye’s mother reported that on March 1, 2023, she was contacted by the assistant principal at Crosby Elementary regarding her child.

She was informed of another upsetting piece of information—the other students in the classroom had purportedly started hurting her son.

The Child Was Left Vulnerable
In a statement to the press, Charlotte expressed shock and disgust at the alleged incident involving her son, stating that mistreating a child is unacceptable regardless of their actions.

Fortunately, Zye could use his hands to shield his face as his arms were not restrained with tape. But it was still a distressing incident for him and the youngster revealed a traumatizing moment to his mother.

Another student supposedly threatened him and stated they would slap him like Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. The little boy felt vulnerable and had nobody to protect him in his time of need

Before leaving the classroom, the teacher allegedly approached Zye and told him, “You know I was just playing with you.” However it was not a joke to the youngster and his mom.

In an emotional statement, the distraught mother has said that her son “is not an animal” and called for justice to be served. She added:

“You don’t do that and leave him unattended for students to assault him.”

The Online Reaction
Meanwhile, Charlotte’s son has been placed in a different class and seems to be doing well. However, the investigation is ongoing and many online community members want justice for the little boy:

“This made me so angry when I heard it earlier. That teacher should never be allowed to teach again. I don’t care if he wouldn’t stay in his seat. You don’t tape a child to a desk and then leave the room. How would she feel if a teacher did that to her child?”

“Are you serious?!! What is this world coming to? I’m sorry for this poor kid and his mom. Hope there are consequences for all involved.”

– (Cindy McBride Pike) March 2, 2023

“Zye, I am so very sorry for the horrible and painful treatment you received, from a teacher who you’re supposed to trust! Just know, there are more good people than bad ones and also know there are millions of people who stand with you!!! God bless you and your family.”

– (Linn Rodstrom-Dannecker) March 2, 2023

“Nobody should ever do that to another human being let alone a child. I hope she lost her job and will never get another job dealing with children. Just horrible!”

– (Marie Pisano Pascale) March 2, 2023

What are your thoughts on this terrible situation? Should the teacher face the consequences if the claims are valid? Your thoughts and viewpoints are valuable to us. Please express them in the comments section.

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