
She is Not My Sister,’ He Said Of His Newborn Sibling. DNA Test Confirmed it

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“She’s not my sister,” said the boy when he  saw the newborn in his mother’s arms. His   parents thought he was only jealous, so they  decided to take a DNA test to convince the boy   that the baby was, in fact, his sister. But  the test results revealed a terrible truth… Lane and Curtis were the type of couple that  many people were jealous of.

Their wedding party   was out of a fairy tale, surrounded by friends  and family on a beautiful sunny day. Afterward,   they went to live in the suburbs of New  York as a perfect couple. They got along   very well and were deeply in love. They  worked during the week and were able to   enjoy life with friends on the weekends. So,  they soon decided to expand their family.

During her first pregnancy, Lana asked for  time off to care for her child full-time,   as Curtis was doing well in his business and  could sustain the family on his own. Yet,   even with all the new responsibilities and  changes in routine, their lives remained   almost perfect as before. Lana made sure  that the house smelled of lavender and home   cooking and cleaned all the rooms in the house,  even during the final weeks of her pregnancy.

Then Fred was born, their first son. He was very  affectionate with his parents, only crying much   in the early morning hours. From early on, the  baby showed signs of being highly intelligent,   which surprised Lana and Curtis. When the  boy reached school age, the couple considered   enrolling him in a private school offering  special classes for more advanced students. Curtis was excited by the possibility that  his son could be a gifted genius. “Calm down;   he’s just a child, my love.

We have  time to evaluate this,” said Lana,   trying not to stifle her husband’s  excitement. And Fred grew smarter each day;   he easily completed the homework  from school and wanted more. Before long, Lana became pregnant again. When  they told him the news, Fred loved the idea.   He often leaned over to hug her belly and listen  to the fetus inside. Though only five years old,   he would say he was trying to protect his  mother from harm, and Lana found that very   touching.

The baby wasn’t even born yet, and  Fred already showed how much he loved it. She   couldn’t imagine a life better than hers, but  things were about to change dramatically… Lana didn’t want Fred to be alone  when she went into labor; after all,   Curtis would be with her in the maternity  ward. So she asked her mother, Clarice,   to stay with the boy. It turns out  that Lana’s second delivery was more   challenging than her first. She had prepared  to have a natural birth, as she had with Fred,   and was ready to do what was necessary  for as long as it took.

Two hours later,   Lana was drenched in sweat and exhausted, for  the baby did not want to be born in any way. The doctor and nurses accompanying the process  soon realized that the woman was suffering;   there was something wrong with Lana.  The doctor did some emergency tests   and decided it was too risky to continue  the normal delivery. But Lana didn’t want   to give up. She could do it again  if she had done it five years ago. But after another half hour, it became clear  that the mother didn’t have the disposition   or strength to carry on.

Beyond this, the  obstetrician could see that the baby could   not leave his mother’s body through natural  means. They had already lost a lot of time,   and Lana was at risk. They would have  to do an emergency cesarean section. Curtis felt scared with all of this. He wasn’t  prepared to see his wife suffer like this and   favored the idea of a cesarean. When Lana also  agreed with the idea, she was quickly sedated.   Curtis wanted to continue holding his wife’s hand  and stayed in the room. Unfortunately, however, he   had a phobia of blood and fainted when the scalpel  started to open Lana’s womb.

But the birth was   a success; Lana was well and stable, as was the  child, a beautiful baby girl whom they named Sara. Curtis recovered consciousness and stayed at  his wife’s side, still under the effects of   the medications, admiring her little baby. The  first time Sara nursed was a beautiful moment   that melted the hearts of both parents.  “Another little miracle that we created,   my love,” said Curtis, kissing his wife’s  forehead while the baby continued nursing   on her breast.

I can’t wait for Fred to meet  her. He’s going to be the best big brother in   the world,” said Lana, who couldn’t  stop looking at the baby adoringly. When Lana was discharged and could go  home, Fred was waiting on the porch,   jumping with excitement and impatience  next to his grandma for the arrival of his   little sister. He ran to see his mother  and sister when the car door opened. Clarice went to help her daughter get out of  the car with the baby in her arms. But what   happened next, no one expected? “Fred,  this is your sister, Sara.

Come say hi   to her,” said Curtis while Lana lowered the  baby so he could see the new family member. But instead of smiling and being happy  with seeing the girl, Fred frowned and   looked coldly at the baby. He shook his  head and said something that left everyone   shocked and confused. “She isn’t my sister,”  he said, looking at his parents. For a moment,   everyone fell silent, wondering if  the boy was serious or only joking. It was Clarice, his grandmother, who broke the  silence. “What did you say, Fred?” she asked,   but the boy didn’t respond.

Why do you  say that? She really is your sister,”   Curtis intervened, asking him to look at the  baby again. Fred did what his father asked,   with a frown on his face and eyes that  seemed to ask a series of silent questions. He wanted to know why the baby had blond hair and  blue eyes when everyone in his family had brown   hair and brown eyes. Despite his young age, Fred’s  question challenged his parents and grandmother’s   sense of logic. “It’s hard to explain, sweetie,  but this happens sometimes, and with time,   her hair and eyes could darken. She was just  born,” said Lana.

Fred shook his head again,   making it clear that he didn’t accept  that response, and ran into the house. Lana and Curtis looked at each other with concern,   not understanding why their boy was saying  such things about their newborn. Could it be   jealousy? Fear of losing his parents’  love? Seeing the couple’s concern,   Clarice entered the conversation, saying they  shouldn’t worry and that it was a normal response. “Soon, Fred would see that his position as  the son will not be threatened by the baby,   and everything will be fine. Make him feel loved  and wanted.

In fact, tell him that you need his   help, and you’ll see how he will change,” said  Clarice. The words from the more experienced   woman calmed the couple. Yet everything stayed  the same in the following weeks. Fred maintained   a certain distance from Sara and occasionally  repeated how she was not his little sister. Curtis didn’t like this behavior and didn’t  hesitate to call the boy’s attention;   after all, it was a terrible thing to  say. When Lana bathed her daughter,   she would ask Fred to help. She hoped that if  the boy felt useful and responsible for her,   he would stop this fantasy about  her not being part of the family. But it didn’t work. Fred would  help his mother give the baby a   bath but would do so without saying  anything or showing any particular   affection. He was different from that  boy who would hug his mother’s belly,   happy to have a sister coming soon. Yet, nothing  that Lana or Curtis did make any difference. Months passed, and the perfect family they  had built was now, for some dark reason,   threatened by the skepticism of their  six-year-old boy. If Lana didn’t insist,   Fred would never play with Sara. At this stage,  Sara was already a little older and more aware,   and at various times, she seemed to  call her older brother’s attention,   but he acted like he didn’t see her. It broke  his parents’ hearts to see these things.

Finally,   Curtis couldn’t take it any longer and persuaded  Lana to let him take the boy to a psychologist. Perhaps this was an exaggerated reaction  of jealousy, and they needed professional   help. At a loss for what to do,  Lana agreed. The following week,   they took Fred to see Warren Robertson, a child  psychologist. But, even after four sessions,   the older brother remained undeterred. He couldn’t  explain why or how, but he was convinced that   the girl living in his house and nursing from  his mother’s breasts was not his real sister. Warren saw Fred as a brilliant and logical boy and  proposed an experiment. He called Lana and Curtis   into his office and said the couple should  do a DNA test.

Fred is only six years old,   but knows what a DNA test is, and he’s a very  rational kid. So I suggest you take the test,   and when he sees the physical  proof that Sara is his sister,   Fred will no longer have these  concerns,” said the psychologist. Lana thought the idea to be a little radical.  She worried that it would appear that they   also had doubts as to the father of the child.  But Curtis reassured her, saying the test was   only a formality, just to help Fred accept  Sara into the family once and for all. So   Lana agreed; it would be good for  the entire family.

She didn’t know   she would have a surprise that  would change her life forever… The DNA test was expensive, but the  couple went forward with the idea.   They collected blood from both parents  and little Sara, sent it to a laboratory,   and waited for the results to arrive in  a few days. While waiting, Curtis, Lana,   and Sara spent wonderful days together. The  little girl was growing quickly. She couldn’t   walk yet but could sit up and would try to crawl  around the room. When she played, she would let   out the most beautiful laughs that only babies are  capable of, that melt even the coldest of hearts. She adored her parents and got along well with her  grandma Clarice. Whenever she saw the older woman,   she held out her arms, asking to sit on her  lap.

Her eyes, always brilliant and curious,   illuminated her parents’ days from the moment  they woke up. Caring for the baby was challenging,   yet it was also a delight for them. But they  felt sad they could not play with the whole   family because Fred refused to interact with Sara.  And this was not a personality trait of the boy,   as he interacted normally with all the  other children in the neighborhood. The tests were ready by Friday morning, and  Curtis went online to get the results. On   reading the document, he felt his heart stop  beating. “That’s not possible,” he exclaimed.  

He called Lana, who came running with the  baby in her arms. She read it and sat down,   stunned. She reread it; she wanted  to ensure she understood everything. The results showed that Sara’s DNA did not  combine with that of Lana and Curtis. He   also sat in stunned shock. Had Lana cheated  on him? Is that why the DNA didn’t match? He   called the laboratory to make sure they  understood the results correctly. The   doctor confirmed everything.

The results  showed beyond a doubt that Sara was not   the daughter of Curtis nor the daughter  of Lana. “But how is that possible if she   came out of me?” shouted Lana, crying  and asking God how that was possible. Curtis tried to console his wife, saying  they should repeat the exam; after all,   errors happen. But she didn’t want to  hear it and continued crying until she   suddenly stopped and asked, “Did  you see everything from her being   born and put in my arms? Do you remember  everything? Because I was anesthetized.” Curtis said he also didn’t see anything because  he had passed out after seeing the blood from the   surgery.

When he regained consciousness, the  baby was already in her arms. At that moment,   an air of terror fell over the  couple for the first time. They   realized someone may have switched their  baby with another in the maternity ward. The following days dragged on for Curtis  and Lana. Since the maternity ward,   they loved that beautiful little girl, but the  DNA said she was not their daughter. Should   they forget about all that and continue  living as if Sara shared the same blood,   or go after the truth and risk  losing the child they loved? Curtis could barely concentrate at work, and  Lana now cared for Sara but didn’t feel the   same intense love as before.

The doubt planted  by the DNA test and the situation in which the   birth occurred buried all the happiness in that  house. Even Clarice was affected by the sense of   dread and unhappiness. Finally, the couple decided  to investigate the matter to discover the truth. They took the DNA results to the  maternity ward where Lana had given   birth and demanded an investigation. 

Terrified of a possible lawsuit,   the hospital administrators promised to do  everything they could to discover what happened. A team was designated to analyze all of  the births from the same day near the   time that Sara was born. After ten  days, they found a family who may   have ended up with Curtis and Lana’s  biological child. But unfortunately,   it was a young couple living in much worse  conditions than Fred’s parents.

They had   been living together with their inlaws ever  since a storm destroyed their tiny house. The girl who was with them, suspected of being  Lana and Curtis’s legitimate child, had been   born with a cleft lip. She needed corrective  surgery and proper treatment to lead a full life   in the future. But the young couple caring for the  child could not afford the surgery or treatments. When the maternity ward team contacted the  young couple and explained the horrible   mistake that had been made, the mother’s world  came crashing down, wondering how they had let   such a catastrophe happen. The father was silent  but equally saddened by the news.

They were also   attached to and loved the baby that, for months,  they considered to be their daughter. How could   they separate from her now? It was the same  dilemma faced by Lana and Curtis. Now that   they knew the truth, they felt a terrible  mix of emotions when they looked at Sara. With no way out and determined to correct the  error, the two families decided to exchange   their babies. That was the most difficult  decision in the life of all four parents.   To have to turn over the baby they  knew and loved to another person…

Upon receiving a new child in their arms, they  felt a mixture of indifference and excitement;   after all, they didn’t know these little  girls, but they were indeed the legitimate   daughter of each of them. Be that as it may,  a new story began while another tale ended. On the way home, Curtis drove while Lana looked  suspiciously at the child in her arms.

How long   would it take for her to recognize Lana as her  mother? And how long it would it take for Lana   to feel for her what she had felt for Sara?  Curtis remembered how Fred, their first child,   knew right when he saw the baby that it was not  his real sister – and he was right in the end.   How he knew, no one will ever know. But Curtis  wondered how his son would react when the new Sara   arrived. “Her hair is darker; it’s like ours.  But her eyes are sort of bluish,” noted Lana. Once again, Fred waited for his parents with  grandma Clarice. He was calmer this time, not   anxious at all.

His parents arrived, calmly exited  their car, and entered the living room carrying   the girl. Fred approached Lana and slowly lowered  his gaze to the little girl. He looked for a good   while at the baby. She stretched her arms toward  him, and a big smile slowly spread across Fred’s   face. “THIS is my sister. Can I hold her?” asked  the boy, drawing tears from everyone present. The girl adapted well to her new family.  Curtis and Lana fell quickly in love with her,   mainly because of Fred, who loved playing with  and caring for the baby, making her laugh,   and teaching her new tricks. In time,  it was possible to do the corrective   surgery on her lip, leaving her even  more beautiful than she already was. Fred and Sara grew up as two best  friends. To this day, years later,   no one can explain how he had known that girl  was not his sister.

Even Fred himself can’t   remember exactly why he thought that. It is a  mystery hidden in his childhood, but Clarice   always says that it was thanks to him that two  families were saved from a terrible mistake. If you like this story, please leave a like,  and this other video appearing on the screen   now will probably move you too. Have a  great day, and see you in the next video!

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