Surrogate Gives Birth To Twins, Then Doctors Did A DNA Test And Revealed The Unthinkable!

On her delivery day, this surrogate mom birthed a set of twins. But a DNA test performed by doctors exposed an outrageous thing. Jessica wished the opaque screen would be taken away so she could see. She was currently in the labor ward delivering twins.
Instead of general anesthesia, Jessica had opted for a local one so she could be awake for the birthing of the twins via C-section. She wanted to meet them. It was true that they weren’t biologically hers, but having carried them for almost 9 months, she felt a maternal attachment to them. Tears gathered in Jessica’s eyes when she heard the first baby cry. He had such good lungs. At the cry of the second baby, when he was brought out of her stomach, Jessica covered her mouth with her hands, breathing rapidly. Her heart was racing with excitement because the twin boys were okay.
The nurses took them to clean them up and wrap them in a shawl. Jessica waited patiently for their return, bubbling with anticipation. Only the doctors remained in the room. They sewed her up and informed her that they would administer a sedative to her via drip so she could sleep peacefully. Creases marred her forehead; she was confused. Where were the babies? Why were the nurses taking so long to bring them to her?
The next thing the doctor said stabbed her right through the heart. “We’re sorry to inform you that it won’t be possible for you to meet the twins. Their biological parents don’t want that, and I hope you understand since it’s part of your surrogacy contract terms,” one doctor said. Jessica shook her head wildly, attempting to sit up but was held down by a doctor. She told them it wasn’t true. She had agreed with the twins’ biological parents, a Chinese couple, to meet the babies for an hour after birth. The doctors looked at her with pity. Unfortunately, that agreement hadn’t been signed and sealed; it was only verbal. It didn’t matter that the Chinese couple turned back on their word; they couldn’t get in trouble with the law for it.
Jessica felt so stupid. Why did she trust them at all? The couple had come all the way to the United States from China. They had done this because they had been unable to conceive naturally, and after considering their options, surrogacy had seemed like the most viable path to take. But that couldn’t happen in China because surrogacy was illegal there.
The only way to go about it was to leave China and get it done in a country where it was legal, like the USA. At the time that the Chinese couple were setting their plans in motion, Jessica had a six-month-old son. It was her second child with her husband, Wardell Jasper. They didn’t plan to have additional children but had so many plans for their future, many of which involved finances.
Visiting the hospital for her son’s routine checkup and immunization, Jessica had been confronted with the reality that most women hadn’t been as lucky as she was. Many of them were going through pains to have their own children, and she had overheard a woman talk about a friend’s surrogacy journey. Returning home, Jessica had pondered on becoming a surrogate mom and talked about it with Wardell. He hadn’t been sold on the idea right away.
It had taken a few days for her to communicate her vision clearly to him, and once he understood, they had researched surrogacy agencies to work with. A San Diego-based surrogacy agency, Omega Family Global, had been their choice because of raving reviews. They had been elated to work with them. The management and case workers at Omega had been warm, receptive, and so helpful to Jessica and Wardell. Being new to the entire process, they relied heavily on Omega’s guidance, including allowing Omega to refer them to a lawyer. It had been that lawyer who read through Jessica’s agreement with the Chinese couple when both parties had met through the surrogacy agency.
Jessica was 31 years old and a happy mother of two boys. For the surrogacy, the Chinese couple agreed to pay a sum of 30 grand to Jessica plus outstanding expenses. That sum of money would be beneficial to Jessica’s family. She wanted to become a stay-at-home mom and quit her stressful position as a senior caregiver. Also, that amount of money could be added to her and Wardell’s savings so they could finally buy a house. But there was more to Jessica’s intentions than material gains.
Having witnessed the extreme difficulties that many women went through to have children, surrogacy was Jessica’s own way of giving back. She considered herself fortunate to be fertile and able to carry children in her womb. She had carried her own sons and had given birth to them without any hassles. She had also experienced great joy in raising them and wanted to help another woman experience that mother-child bond. No stranger to how pregnancy could drastically change a woman’s body, she had willingly pledged within herself to accept it before embarking on the journey that would upend her whole life.
In March 2016, Jessica had gone for her first implantation at the fertility center. Weeks prior to this, Jessica had been religiously taking hormonal drugs, exercising, and dieting to prepare her body to carry a baby. That first implantation trial hadn’t worked, but she hadn’t been discouraged. The health workers had informed her from the beginning that a woman rarely conceived on her first try.
On Jessica’s second trial in April 2016, a single male embryo from the couple had been implanted in her uterus at an Irvine-based in-vitro fertilization center. Nine days later, blood tests had confirmed that she was pregnant. During a checkup six weeks later, the doctor examining her had seen twins on the ultrasound. The chances of conceiving multiple babies via implantation were slim, and Jessica’s eyes widened as saucers, pondering the implication of multiple babies. That hadn’t been part of the plan at all. Needing reassurance, she had bombarded the doctors with questions. How was it that she was carrying twins? The doctor had explained that it was possible that an egg split to give identical twins.
Jessica had consulted another doctor for the rest of her pregnancy, and that doctor had assumed that Jessica knew that the twins she was pregnant with had been in separate amniotic sacs. The implication of this was that they were fraternal twins, not identical. Jessica didn’t know this. In fact, because of the ultrasound she’d done at nine weeks and the doctor’s assumption that an egg split, Jessica thought the twins were identical.
When the Chinese couple had learned that Jessica was having an additional baby for them, they had been so pleased. Due to Jessica’s pregnancy suddenly becoming a high risk because of the twins, the Chinese couple added a bonus of $5,000. The money had been paid in monthly installments. Close to the time of Jessica’s delivery, an ultrasound had found the babies to be in a breech position, which meant their heads weren’t in the proper position and they couldn’t be birthed naturally. The only way that they could be delivered was via C-section. At 38 weeks, Jessica’s labor had been induced and she had delivered.
Jessica slept fitfully after the sedative had taken action. In her dreams, she was pleading to see the babies and hold them for one minute, but the figure in her dreams turned away from her and disappeared. She jerked awake and immediately asked a nearby nurse for the babies. Shaking her head sadly, she informed Jessica that they weren’t close by; they were in the neonatal intensive care unit, and Jessica couldn’t see them without the permission of their biological parents. Jessica’s heart sank, but she consoled herself with the knowledge that the twins were well and in the same hospital as her. Their parents would come visiting, and she would plead with them to let her meet the twins.
Sure enough, Mrs. Doe, the Chinese woman and biological mother of the twins, came to visit Jessica the following day. She wasn’t alone; she came with an Omega case worker, an employee of the surrogacy agency that Jessica and the Chinese couple were signed with. On Mrs. Doe’s phone was a picture of the twin boys. She showed it to Jessica without giving her the phone to hold. Peering closely at the photo, Jessica couldn’t help but comment on the different skin tones of the babies. The moment she did, Mrs. Doe snatched her phone back. The Omega case worker who heard Jessica’s comment told her that she had a set of twins back home who didn’t look so identical at birth but grew to become more and more so.
Still hanging on to a tiny silver thread of hope that the Does would honor their word, Jessica made herself ask to see the babies on three different occasions, but each time her request was denied. She stayed admitted at the hospital for four days, in excruciating pain because of the C-section and recovering throughout her stay. Until when she was discharged, Mrs. Doe never brought the twins to meet her. It hurt so bad, but Jessica tried to move on.
However, in January, which was a month after giving birth, Jessica got a text from Mrs. Doe with a picture of the babies. “They are not the same, right?” the text read. That was followed by, “Have you thought about why they’re different?” Jessica instantly knew that Mrs. Doe was having doubts about one of the babies belonging to her. It was startlingly obvious from the photo she sent that the babies looked nothing alike. One of the boys was clearly of Asian ancestry, and one was clearly the child of a Caucasian parent and an African-American parent. Mrs. Doe informed Jessica that she was waiting for the results of a DNA test as the Chinese embassy wanted proof that the babies were genetically related to her and her husband before issuing passports to them.
A week later, Mrs. Doe sent the DNA test results to Jessica. The results revealed the unthinkable: only one child was
related to the Chinese couple. Jessica freaked out. Her phone slipped from her hand, and she stood up so fast her head spun. Her breath came out in quick successions as she paced the floor, placing one hand on her forehead and the other on her hip. Did the IVF center mess up? Did they transfer two embryos instead of one? Did they mix up the embryos?
Unwilling to let these questions trouble her peace of mind, Jessica called her Omega case worker and told her everything. She was incredulous when the case worker kept insisting that both boys were Asian, despite the DNA results. There was sufficient evidence, but instead of acknowledging it, Omega continued to play dumb. That was when it dawned on her that Omega and the Does had always known both babies weren’t Asian but had hidden the fact to prevent liability. Jessica informed her husband, Wardell, of the latest development. They suspected that the second baby, Max, was their biological son. Jessica was white and pale-skinned, while Wardell was black and of African descent. They demanded to undergo a DNA test with Max.
A week later, DNA confirmed that they were indeed Max’s biological parents. They were shocked at this occurrence but also relieved that the truth had come out. They expected Omega to return Max to them immediately, but the agency held on to the baby. They started asking Jessica and Wardell for money, claiming that they had been incurring expenses looking after Max ever since the Does decided that they wanted nothing to do with him because he wasn’t theirs.
and Wardell initially thought Omega was joking, but after a few days passed and they maintained their position, the couple was filled with different strong negative emotions. They were in disbelief, shocked, and horrified that an agency they trusted would do this to them. Jessica had found out that she had birthed her biological son, not just a surrogate baby, six weeks after giving birth. It gutted her insides that in all that time she hadn’t held, fed, cared for, bonded with, or loved her own son. She was living a nightmare, and her peace of mind was robbed from her. She kept
recalling the moments after his birth, the emotions she felt, and the pain of being denied access to him.
Jessica and Wardell sought legal assistance, hoping to expedite the process of getting Max back. They were determined to fight for their son, no matter the cost. The lawyer they hired was sympathetic and committed to their case. They filed a lawsuit against Omega Family Global and the fertility clinic, accusing them of negligence and demanding the return of Max without any further financial demands.
The legal battle was exhausting. Omega tried to justify their actions, claiming they were acting in the best interest of the child. They argued that they were not equipped to handle such an unusual situation and had incurred costs for Max’s care. Jessica and Wardell countered that these costs were a result of Omega’s own negligence and that they had no right to hold Max as collateral.
Meanwhile, the media caught wind of the story. Jessica and Wardell decided to go public, hoping that media attention would put pressure on Omega and the fertility clinic to resolve the issue quickly. Their story spread widely, garnering support from many who sympathized with their plight. Public opinion was firmly on their side, with many people outraged at the actions of Omega Family Global.
After weeks of intense legal and media pressure, Omega finally relented. They agreed to return Max to his biological parents without any further demands. The reunion was emotional and bittersweet. Jessica held Max for the first time, tears streaming down her face, overwhelmed with love and relief. Wardell cradled his son, whispering promises of protection and love.
The ordeal, however, left lasting scars. Jessica struggled with feelings of guilt and anger. She found it hard to forgive herself for not realizing sooner that Max was her son. She also battled with resentment towards Omega and the Does, who had initially refused to acknowledge the truth. Wardell focused on rebuilding their lives, ensuring that Max and their other children felt secure and loved.
In the months that followed, Jessica and Wardell became advocates for surrogacy reform. They pushed for stricter regulations and better oversight to prevent other families from experiencing the trauma they had endured. They shared their story widely, hoping to educate others about the potential pitfalls and the importance of choosing reputable agencies.
Their fight for justice continued as they pursued their lawsuit against Omega and the fertility clinic. They wanted to ensure accountability and prevent future negligence. The case dragged on, but Jessica and Wardell remained steadfast, supported by their community and the many people who had followed their story.
Through it all, the love and support of their family and friends helped them heal. Jessica and Wardell cherished every moment with Max, grateful that they had finally been united with their son. They knew their journey had been difficult, but they were determined to turn their pain into purpose, advocating for changes that would protect other families and ensure that no one else had to endure the nightmare they had lived through.