The Boss Asked His Cleaner a Question, Then The Entire Staff Froze When They Heard Her Response!

Everyone hated Wilder. He was the kind of boss you should never work with. The whole staff was scared of him as well, so when he walked towards the cleaner, looked straight into her eyes, and asked her a simple question, none of the staff thought she would respond. Who would dare confront the almighty Wilder, they all thought. But to their greatest surprise, the cleaner, Cora, glared at Wilder, and what she said next left everyone in shock.
It was 4 a.m. on a cold Saturday morning in 2015. The only source of light came from the street lamps providing an ambient glow to the night sky. The only vehicle on the road at this time was a car carrying two passengers, including its driver. In the back seat, a beautiful four-year-old girl, Arya, was lying on her mother’s thighs, snoring lightly while her mother, Cora, cried softly. The girl looked pretty exhausted as she talked in her sleep.
“Dad, Mom misses you so much. When are you coming back?” the little girl whispered in her sleep, breaking her mother’s heart.
Cora held her daughter tightly and caressed her hair. Through the rearview mirror, she saw the driver looking at her as she cried uncontrollably. No matter how hard she tried, the tears kept flowing. She had just been forced to leave her husband’s house.
As much as she would really have loved to stay, she had no choice. Cora could tell what was going through the annoying driver’s mind as they exchanged glances through the rearview mirror. She knew he must be wondering where a young woman with a beautiful daughter was going at this time of the day. His looks were of pity, but they were also condescending.
Cora felt he was probably thinking that she had been sent out of her husband’s house, and if not that, then she was sure that he had presumed she was a gold digger who had gotten married to her husband because of his riches but now had no choice but to leave because of his terrible behavior.
Cora wanted to yell at the driver, telling him to stop looking at her with those judgy eyes. She wanted to tell him she would never cheat on her husband and that she wasn’t a gold digger. Well, she didn’t find the courage to do so, so she just sat there in his untidy car and cried on, cleaning her swollen eyes with the backs of her hands.
And truth be told, Cora had the best husband on Earth. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but still, it’s not too far from the truth. Everything had been going just fine until he suddenly, mysteriously disappeared. He was involved in an accident while on a business trip. His car, bags, and everything were found, but Michaelson himself was missing. The police were involved in the case, and a search party was organized, yet all their efforts were in vain. It was as if Michaelson had just vanished from the face of the Earth.
Just a few weeks after Michaelson’s disappearance, his mother, Gloria, who had always hated Cora for reasons best known to her, decided to show her true colors.
“You know why my son had an accident? Because he was thinking about you. He couldn’t wait to come back to you. How can he drive well when you’re always at the top of his mind? Are you happy now that he’s gone? Are you happy?” Gloria screamed at Cora before storming out of the house.
Poor Cora sank to the floor. She wished none of this had happened. Cora was a junior in college when she met Michaelson. She was only 20 then, while Michaelson was 43. They had met during a conference, and they clicked right away. Cora was Michaelson’s first love.
She had never really been attracted to guys her age, and it was only when she met Michaelson that she understood why she was into older men. Despite the 23-year age difference between them, the two had a strong connection and perfect understanding of one another. They played like children, conversed like best friends, and protected each other like siblings. It was just so perfect.
The only problem in their relationship was Michaelson’s mother. The first time Michaelson brought Cora to the house, Gloria had just walked out on the girl, went into her room, and refused to come out. It’s not exactly clear where Gloria’s hatred for Cora stemmed from. Perhaps she felt Cora was a gold digger who only wanted her son for his money.
It could also be that she hated Cora because Michaelson spent a lot of money on her, or perhaps she was just worried that Cora was a threat to the beautiful relationship she had with her son. Whatever the case was, Michaelson assured Cora that he loved her and would always protect her from any danger or anyone who was a threat to her, including his mother, and this he did.
A few months into the relationship, Cora became pregnant. She decided to pause her studies with the hope of resuming after giving birth. Well, after she gave birth to Arya, she kept procrastinating going back to school. Not like she had much of a choice, though. It really was hard juggling studies and taking care of a hyperactive toddler. Through it all, Michaelson supported his wife. The couple’s love grew with each passing day, and they loved their daughter with every fiber of their being.
Everything was going smoothly until Michaelson’s sudden disappearance, and then Cora’s life became hellish, all thanks to Gloria. Gloria accused Cora of being the cause of Michaelson’s accident, and just a few days later, she did something even worse. She transferred all of Michaelson’s funds into her account and left only a little for Cora. The next day, she barged into the house and tried to take Arya from Cora.
“You’re a college dropout. How will you get a proper job to take care of your kid? Where will you get money? You don’t deserve to be her mother,” Gloria screamed at the top of her voice as she dragged Arya from Cora.
But the little girl started crying, so Gloria let her be. However, she promised to be back to take Arya. It was at this point that Cora knew Gloria had totally gone out of her mind, and she needed to act fast. Very fast. That same week, Cora made arrangements with the driver to come over to the house as early as 4 a.m. so he could convey them to a neighboring city.
Cora stayed with her friend, who lived in that same city, for a few days. Within that period, she secured very cheap accommodations and moved in with her daughter. That following week, Cora saw a job opening for the position of a cleaner. She had been applying for jobs but getting turned down because she lacked the qualifications. However, she was sure she could easily get this one, and just like she had expected, she got the job, but it was one hell of a crazy experience. The boss told her she was too pretty to work as a cleaner. He told her he could employ her as his assistant if she would agree to be his mistress.
“I am a married woman. I will never do a thing like that,” Cora stammered, forcing back tears as she ran out of his evil office.
Cora desperately needed the job, so she couldn’t quit. She did something smart, though. She studied the boss’s movements and made sure she never ran into him. This plan worked like magic. She didn’t run into trouble at work, and she was able to take good care of Arya with the little money she made. They tried to be happy despite Michaelson’s absence. Each night they would pray for his miraculous return.
Everything was going fine, but six months later, something devastating happened. Arya fell sick and needed surgery. Cora knew if she emptied all her savings, she still wouldn’t be able to afford the surgery. There was only one way out: ask her boss for an upfront payment. Just like Cora had expected, Wilder asked her to be his mistress one more time.
“I can’t do that. My daughter really needs to get surgery. Please help me,” Cora said, and then, putting her pride aside, she went on her knees.
“Nothing comes for free in this world,” Wilder said and let out wicked laughter.
Cora knew that her tears wouldn’t change his mind, so she got up to leave, and that was when Wilder did something outrageous. With two big steps, he landed in front of Cora, and before she knew it, he held her neck tightly and forcefully began to kiss her. Bleating like a goat, Cora forcefully freed herself from Wilder’s grip. Still in shock, she raised her hand and hit him in the face.
“You’re a monster. I’m quitting your stupid job,” she screamed, tears helplessly streaming down her face as she ran out of the office.
Cora returned home earlier than usual, and when her daughter asked her why she was home early, all she could do was cry. She was still in tears when her phone suddenly rang, and she reluctantly answered it. You won’t believe who the caller was. The call was from the hospital, and they were calling to inform Cora that Michaelson was alive. After the accident, he had slipped into a coma and had only woken up a few days ago. That same day, Cora spoke to Michaelson, and she told him everything that had happened while he was away. Michaelson asked her for her new address and promised to be home in a few weeks.
Two weeks later, Michaelson returned home, and the family had a beautiful and teary emotional reunion.
“I told you I would never leave you alone,” Michaelson said and Two weeks later, Michaelson returned home, and the family had a beautiful and teary emotional reunion.
“I told you I would never leave you alone,” Michaelson said, and he kissed his wife before adding, “Now it’s time to fire your crazy boss.”
You see, Michaelson was a shareholder in the company where Cora had worked as a cleaner. The next day, the couple went to the company. Before then, Michaelson had asked the secretary to call for a meeting. When everyone had gathered in the meeting room, Michaelson and his wife made a grand entrance.
As soon as Wilder saw them, he understood that he was in big trouble. After all, rumors had flown around that a major shareholder and his wife would be addressing them, so Wilder knew Cora was Michaelson’s wife. Filled with fear, Wilder, trembling like a drenched chicken, ran towards Cora.
“Hey, Cora, do you need that upfront fee now? I’ll give it to you. What happened then was a big mistake. I’m so sorry,” he said, and that was when Michaelson stepped in.
“Now, Wilder, will you please ask my wife what she wants me to do to you?” Michaelson said.
In a trembling voice, Wilder then faced Cora and asked, “What do you want your husband to do to me?”
Cora took in a deep breath, then she said, “Fire him.”
And of course, her demand was granted. Wilder was fired. The family returned to their home, and Michaelson made sure he put his mother in her place.
As for Gloria, she was stunned to see her son alive and had no choice but to back off after Michaelson confronted her about her behavior. He made it clear that Cora was his wife, and he would not tolerate any more interference. From that point on, Gloria grudgingly accepted the family, realizing she had overstepped her boundaries.
Cora and Michaelson rebuilt their lives together, focusing on their daughter and the future. They made sure Arya got the surgery she needed and continued to thrive as a family. Michaelson resumed his role in the company, taking on more responsibilities and ensuring Cora never had to face a situation like that again.
The family lived happily ever after, stronger than ever, with Michaelson’s love and support never wavering.