
The boy ran up to the millionaire and called him his father, and he was dumbfounded when he saw the child’s drawings

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Lewis grew up in an orphanage. He knew nothing about his parents. His mother was hospitalized without documents and ran away immediately after giving birth. The baby was a little behind in growth, sickly, and no adoptive parents were found for him. Despite a difficult childhood, the boy grew up smart and goal-oriented. He constantly told himself that he would become a successful man. Other children laughed at him, but years later, Lewis really succeeded.

Immediately after the orphanage, he began to work hard. He was a quick-witted guy and quickly realized that e-commerce was the future.

His internet store soon took a leading position in the country, and Lewis himself became a millionaire. The man was not conceited and always tried to help the orphanage where he grew up.

On holidays, he used to bring many goodies and toys for the children and invited animators for children’s play performances. The man wanted to brighten up the children’s lives at least a little, but still, he knew perfectly well that the most important thing he could never give any of them was a family, which he himself had frantically dreamed of before.

The years were flying by quickly. Lewis began to think that it would be a good idea for him to have a wife and children; however, he was very used to living alone and did not know if he could ever change. Women did not stay in Lewis’s life for long. The man felt that most of them needed only money from him, but he dreamed of finding the……Read Full Story Here.….

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