The casket resisted burial, prompting the priest to open it, stunning everyone in attendance. Funeral-goers were recently taken aback when a person on the brink of interment unexpectedly revealed something shocking.

For Priest Sam, conducting funerals was a regular part of his weekly routine. Although he would prefer officiating weddings, funerals were an integral part of his responsibilities. Today was no exception, as he found himself presiding over another somber occasion.
A young woman had tragically lost her life in a traffic accident, and the church was filled to capacity as Priest Sam blessed her in the open casket. As he performed the ritual, he noticed a conspicuous detail on her body, causing him to freeze in astonishment. Realizing he had not been granted permission to open the casket, and now understanding why, he glanced over his shoulder to witness the shocked expressions on Mary’s parents’ faces. Priest Sam promptly closed the casket, completing the ceremony, but……Read Full Story Here………….