
The Dog Attended His Owners Funeral, And What He Did Next Left Everyone In Tears

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When one faithful dog lost his best friend, he was devastated. His owner, Mehmet Ilhan, was a massive part of his life. When the man went to work or left the house, his Pooch would miss him. Mehmet had lost his own wife, and his children were grown and had their own lives. Even though they visited often, he wanted someone to be with him, to go on walks, to sit and watch television, and just to live life.

This is when he decided that it was time to adopt a puppy. He named the little black and browned pup Cesur, and they were inseparable ever since.

They went everywhere together. Mehmet was never alone because Cesur was with him. They would play with the ball in the wide open spaces outside of town. They would go for long walks in the countryside. And even when Mehmet went shopping in town, all the shopkeepers knew that Cesur would be with him.

And then Mehmet became paralyzed, and this companionship became even more important. Those days of long walks were over, but Mehmet knew he needed to take care of Cesur, so he had to get out of bed and get on with life, no matter how he felt each day. It was like the little dog had saved him, or he would have become very depressed.

And besides, they could still do lots of fun stuff to fill their time. Mehmet could throw the ball for far distances, and Cesur would fetch. Watching the little dog bouncing over the grassy terrain had Mehmet almost feeling like….Read Full Story Here...,…

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