The Girl told the Whole Truth About Her Adoptive Father with Tears in Her Eyes. Everyone was Shocked

“The people in the courtroom perked up noticeably when the little girl entered the room, hiding her eyes in embarrassment.
Emily went to the judge and froze in anticipation of the important question. The fact was that her adoptive father, who had recently lost custody, was asking for another chance to adopt the girl. Seeing the man in the courtroom, the girl burst into tears, and when she calmed down, the judge asked her the question.

The girl’s answer pulled at the heartstrings of every single person present at the hearing. People who got to witness this trial couldn’t come to their senses for a long time, feeling that after everything they saw, their life would never be the same again.
It all started when Thomas Clark, the owner of a regional chain of household appliance stores, met an 18-year-old student, Helen, who he instantly liked.
The young people met at one of the contemporary art exhibitions and immediately felt strong feelings for each other. Thomas was 33 years old at the time, and he’d already been thinking for a……..Read Full Story Here…..,…