
The Only Man on The Island Living Among Women! The hellish Story of the Heavenly Pitcairn Island

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“Most people imagine life on a tropical island as something magical – clean sandy beaches, palm trees, warm ocean, beautiful women, and no worries whatsoever – something along the lines of the famous Bounty ad. However, the realities of Island life can be much more prosaic than one’s most pessimistic ideas.

The story of Pitcairn Island is the best proof of that. For over two centuries, the island had been witness to all the harsh realities of the difficult life on a 4.5 square kilometers piece of land lost in the Pacific Ocean. Pitcairn Island is the state with the smallest population in the world, with only 49 people living there. Pitcairn has a surprisingly fascinating story.

It was founded by Bounty mutineers who fled from English justice. After which, the island was ruled by alcoholics and experienced a terrible genocide. Eventually, only one man was left alive. Later, this microstate was governed by a succession of crooks and lunatics, and in 2004 it became famous as the country with the highest percentage of pedophiles and ex-cons in the world.

Just some 50 residents, but so many events. Polynesians used to live there, but they died out without the help of Europeans. Polynesians, most likely Tahitians, settled on Pitcairn back in the 11th century. They founded a……Read Full Story Here……….

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