With COVID-19 shutting down businesses, restaurants, and schools for the sake of safety, there has been much controversy in regard to “when” and “how” the reopening of society as we know it should unfold.
As a part of that mix, complaints from parents frustrated with schools opening too soon have certainly been making their rounds on social media.
But another message posted by Andrea Azzouz on Facebook is offering another perspective that many of us have turned a blind eye to. She posted the message alongside a picture of a young girl whose tangled and matted hair bared the signs of neglect… “neglect” that can often be avoided, or at least reported, if the child was within in the safe haven of school.
Since Andrea’s message was shared 3 days ago, the post has gone mega-viral, amassing over 167,000 shares and hundreds of comments from people whose hearts have broken for the sweet, anonymous child.
Read Andrea’s post in full below:
“I took this image from a friend that saw this poor kid at a store recently.
There are a ton of people that are complaining about opening the schools to soon. I can see their side and understand completely.
*BUT* Have you sat and thought about the kid that is being neglected? (we all have been to school and there was always that one dirty kid that you knew had it hard at home)
My God! This poor child’s hair is all matted!!!! and clothes are dirty!

Do you think she is eating well?
School is an outlet not just for an education BUT it is also a safe haven for at least 6 hours.
Teachers also note this stuff and report things like this to the proper authorities to make sure that kids are actually safe. There are so many kids like this one that are falling through the cracks and are wishing that school was in session just to get that meal or even have some social interaction. Please stop complaining… Think of those kids that are in a situation they wish that they could get that little escape for a day.”