Jolie was an American Korean man who ran his own small business. He worked hard and had made enough money to buy himself a nice home. He had a fantastic work ethic and enjoyed his job and life in general. However, there was one thing that was sorely lacking from his life – someone to share it all with.

He had no girlfriend, nor had he been on any dates in a long, long time. Work always took priority, and Joe had made many sacrifices to make his business successful. But things had to change as he was experiencing bouts of sadness and loneliness that only being with someone else could fix. So Joe set off to find a date.
He was not too picky when it came to looks; he just wanted someone that would make him happy and keep him laughing. Joe had a fantastic sense of humor, so he ideally wanted someone who he could joke around with and have some fun with.
He started off by looking for other American Korean girls; however, it seemed like there weren’t too many that were available.It was a pity, but Joe wasn’t…….Read Full Story….,……..