When this man was surrounded by eagles, he did what most would never dare to do.
One morning, a young fisherman named Jesse Peck was going out on his boat to work. It was natural to presume that Jesse would be predominantly interacting with marine life, given his career at one of the largest yielding fishing ports in the United States. However, this fateful day, Jesse was in for a big surprise from the skies, not from the deep blue sea.

How he responded to the situation was both impressive and daring. Like most fishermen in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Jesse was well accustomed to the odd bird flying past when he raised his nets. With the amounts of scraps and bits of fish that fell to the floor of the boat, the scent of fresh food would be potent for any nearby birds of prey. Such was the case when he set sail one day, only to be followed by a real-life bald eagle.Jesse and his colleagues were fishing for waterfowl rather successfully that week. They brought up big yields of fish out of the……Read Full Story Here……….