
They Left the Little Girl Alone With 6 Dogs, But What They Did at Night was Something Unbelievable

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“Four-year-old Taisley Rose has been learning how to train and command pit bulls. Taisley’s mom owns six Pit Bulls that she swears are well-behaved, but that did nothing to ease her anxiety when she realized she’d left her young child alone with the entire pack. What happened next blew everyone away.

Mrs. Rose has been a self-acclaimed dog person. For her home life growing up, she didn’t have a strict plan for her future except for the fact that she always knew she wanted to raise dogs. That’s right, dogs, plural. Miss Rose liked the idea of raising a family in tandem with raising a bunch of dogs.

So that she could pass on her passion for animals to her children, like any dog lover, Miss Rose had some favorite breeds. When it came time to choose who to adopt, she particularly loved larger intelligent dogs, which eventually led to her owning six baby pit bulls.

Now, pit bulls are often first remembered for their potential aggression. Sadly, that is the reputation that typically precedes them because of the possibility of impulsivity and forcefulness in this dog breed’s behavior. Many people opt not to adopt them.

Miss Rose, however, spent her whole life around dogs and knew better than to ascribe to stereotypes. She respects intelligent creatures and knew that with the right care, she could train these dogs to be obedient and non-violent. She was prepared to train them from a very young age to get the best results in their behavior.

But there was one thing Miss Rose didn’t anticipate: having a baby right in the midst of training. Not just one, but six pit bulls. Taisley Rose was born to a loving and determined mother. Taisley did not have any older siblings unless you count six large dogs, that is. From the very beginning, Miss Rose modeled good behavior around the dogs so her baby would grow up seeing how she should interact with them.

She slowly introduced her baby to the dogs, allowing both parties to acclimate to each other. The dogs learned to be gentle and wait to be approached, and Taisley learned to be direct and clear in her actions. Not only has Miss Rose taught her young dogs how to behave around her daughter, she also taught her daughter how to behave around them.

Given how thorough and thoughtful Miss Rose was about raising her family, it is no surprise that Taisley grew up to be so comfortable around these large dogs. By the time Taisley was four years old, she was already demonstrating extreme competence with the dogs. Their familiarity with her made it easy for them to trust her and recognize her as one of their owners.

One night, when Miss Rose was busy finishing some work in her room and Taisley decided to feed the dogs their dinner then and there, the whole house was shocked at what happened next. At least, Miss Rose didn’t notice much when her daughter went to the kitchen. She heard some rustling about and assumed her daughter was just getting herself a snack.

Getting impatient for her dinner, you see, the kitchen was organized with a snack drawer full of nutritious food for Taisley. The drawer was low down so the child could reach it. But there was another drawer low down enough for Taisley to reach the drawer with all the dog food and treats.

When Taisley opened that drawer, the dogs slowly trickled into the kitchen, despite the rule that they refrained from doing so until the people ate. Eventually, all six pit bulls were crowded in the kitchen, staring at the four-year-old girl.

Rustling through their food drawer, little did Miss Rose know, but Paisley herself wasn’t hungry. It was the dogs that seemed in need of food, according to little Taisley. So, she took it upon herself to feed them, emulating her mother’s body language and tone of voice around the animals from her workspace.

Miss Rose heard her daughter commanding ‘sit’ and so she dropped everything and quickly rushed over to the kitchen to see what was going on. What she saw when she got there baffled her.

Why were the dogs in the kitchen before dinner? Were the dogs misbehaving? Was Taisley losing control in her mother’s absence? Luckily for the Rose family, this was not the case. Miss Rose entered the kitchen to see her daughter placing the dog food on the counter, surrounded by the six pit bulls. Miss Rose hesitated as her knowledge of animal body language and behavior made her suspect the dogs meant no harm.

They were pushing to be closest to Taisley, which was nerve-wracking but also obviously motivated by Taisley herself. She seemed calm and confident, so Miss Rose let her continue with supervision. Miss Rose decided that now was not the right time to intervene. Instead, she pulled out her phone and started recording.”

See Video Below for complete details:

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1 Comment

  1. Wow that’s pretty amazing of this young interligent girl she handle the big dogs ‍‍,it could be possible that the girl is some god expert like Cesar Millan 182NatGeo

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