
This Baby Looks Like a Typical Baby Until He Turns His Face

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In the bustling city of Shanghai, where modern skyscrapers stand tall against ancient temples, a baby was born who would captivate the hearts and minds of everyone who saw him. His name was Lewi, and from the moment he entered the world, it was clear that he was no ordinary child.

Lewi’s parents, Ma and Chen, were overjoyed at the birth of their first son. He had a full head of dark hair, bright eyes, and a calm demeanor that seemed to soothe everyone around him. But it wasn’t until the nurse gently turned his face to clean him that they saw it. The birthmark covering the left side of Lewi’s face was a striking, intricate pattern that resembled a dragon. The birthmark was a deep red, with scales and claws that seemed almost lifelike.

Ma and Chen were stunned. They’d never seen anything like it before. The nurse, too, was taken aback, but quickly reassured them that the mark was harmless.

As Lewi grew, so did the curiosity and whispers among the neighbors. Some saw the birthmark as a sign of great fortune, believing that the dragon symbolized power and protection. Others, however, viewed it with suspicion and fear, thinking it might be a curse. Ma and Chen did their best to shield their son from the negative attention, but it wasn’t always easy.

One day, when Lewi was just a few months old, Ma decided to take a photo of him playing in their small garden. She captured his innocent smile and posted the picture on WeChat, hoping to share a moment of joy with friends and family. Within an hour, her phone rang. It was a call that would change their lives forever.

“Hello, is this Ma?” a voice asked, filled with urgency.

“Yes, this is she,” Ma replied, her heart beginning to race.

“This is Officer Zhang from the local police department. We received a call about a baby with a unique birthmark. Is your son Lewi safe?”

Ma’s mind raced. “Yes, he’s right here with me. Why do you ask?”

“We received a report that a baby matching Lewi’s description was seen in distress in a nearby park. The caller was concerned because the baby appeared to be abandoned.”

Ma’s heart sank. “That’s impossible! Lewi has been with me all day.”

Officer Zhang continued, “We believe there may be a misunderstanding, but we need to ensure Lewi’s safety. Can we send an officer to your home to check on him?”

Ma agreed, her mind swirling with worry and confusion. Within minutes, Officer Zhang arrived, accompanied by a social worker. They examined Lewi, who was happily playing with his toys, oblivious to the commotion around him.

“It appears there was a mix-up,” Officer Zhang said, relief evident in his voice. “But we need to understand why someone would report seeing Lewi in distress.”

As the investigation unfolded, it became clear that the birthmark had sparked the concern. A woman in the nearby park had seen the photo on WeChat and mistook another baby for Lewi, leading her to call the police. The incident brought the birthmark into the spotlight, and soon the story spread beyond their neighborhood. News outlets picked up the story, dubbing Lewi “the baby with the dragon birthmark.” Reporters and curious onlookers flocked to their home, eager to catch a glimpse of the child with the extraordinary mark.

Ma and Chen found themselves thrust into the public eye, struggling to protect their son’s privacy while navigating the newfound attention. Despite the challenges, the family found support in unexpected places. Dr. Liu, their family doctor, became a steadfast ally, helping them manage the media frenzy and ensuring Lewi’s well-being. The neighbors, initially divided in their opinions, rallied around the family, offering their support and love.

As Lewi grew older, he became aware of the birthmark and the attention it brought. His parents taught him to embrace his uniqueness, instilling in him a sense of pride and confidence. They explained that the birthmark was a part of who he was—a symbol of his individuality and strength.

One day, when Lewi was 5 years old, he asked his mother, “Why do people look at me differently?”

Ma knelt down, looking into her son’s eyes. “Because you’re special, Lewi. Your birthmark is like a beautiful painting that tells a story. It’s a part of you, and it makes you unique.”

Lewi smiled, his eyes shining with understanding. “I like my birthmark, Mommy. It makes me feel like a superhero.”

Ma hugged her son tightly, tears of pride and love filling her eyes. “You are a superhero, Lewi, and you can do anything you set your mind to.”

As the years passed, Lewi’s story continued to inspire those around him. He grew into a confident and compassionate young boy, unafraid to embrace his differences and stand up for others. The birthmark that once caused so much uncertainty became a symbol of resilience and hope.

In the end, it wasn’t the birthmark that defined Lewi, but the strength and love that surrounded him. His story was a testament to the power of acceptance and the beauty of embracing one’s true self. And in the bustling city of Shanghai, the legend of the baby with the dragon birthmark lived on—a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary things come in the most unexpected forms.

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