This Baby Was Born With Unique WHITE Streak Hair. The Reason Will Leave You in Shock!

When Brianna fell pregnant, she adopted all the doctor’s instructions to make sure her baby was born perfectly healthy. When little Milana came out with a unique white streak in her hair, the nurses were shocked, but the new mom revealed a big secret.
This was Brianna’s first pregnancy. Sitting down in her apartment after the visit to the doctor, she was in a bit of a daze, her mind coming to grips with what her body had known for a while. She was teetering on the brink of being totally overwhelmed by the prospect of a growing baby inside her, but at the same time, she smiled broadly. She felt silly and serious simultaneously. This, she decided, might just be the best day of her life.
She knew perfectly well that the baby’s father didn’t want to be involved in its life, and to be perfectly honest, she didn’t mind. She knew she would love this child for both of them and that she would be the perfect mother and father a kid could ever ask for.
Initially, like many new mothers do, she decided to keep the news to herself. She wanted to get used to the idea of being pregnant without interference from outside. She wanted to experience her body and understand the changes that were taking place. But she also understood that she would have to seek out the advice of women who had been through pregnancy and birth, if for nothing else, to get a better understanding of what lay ahead. Sure, the doctor had given her the lowdown, but he’d never been pregnant, let alone given birth. No, she wanted to speak to her mother and her grandmother. Those were the women she trusted.
While keeping her joyous secret, Brianna started to spend time in bookstores. Twice in the first week after receiving the news from the doctor, she returned home with armfuls of books. Some of the titles were about being pregnant, and others were about the various choices she would have to make when giving birth. There were also books filled with thousands of baby names. She would be the only one to get a say in this matter, so she needed a perfect name.
Slowly, Brianna started getting used to her new glow. Her first sign of being pregnant had been when she missed her period, but now things were getting real. Although some of what she experienced scared her a little and most of it was uncomfortable, to say the least, everything came with a level of excitement she’d never had before. She took her time while eating and opted for small portions every one to two hours, just like the books told her to. She stuck to low-fat food choices and steered clear of anything that triggered her nausea. Brianna stayed hydrated and suddenly craved ginger. She’d never liked the taste before, but it provided some relief. But the sick feeling continued and eventually became worse. She was also constantly running to the bathroom. She dreaded that pregnancy increased blood in her body and prompted her kidneys to deal with extra fluid. All of these she could manage, but the fatigue really got to her. She was constantly exhausted. Her exercise regime and the extra rest she tried to work into her daily schedule helped nothing.
Over breakfast, Brianna made a habit of having a quick emotional health check. Her inner world was in turmoil. She felt joy, anxiety, excitement, and fatigue, often all at once. She worried all the time. She was fretting about the baby’s well-being, adapting to parenthood, and the financial aspects of raising a child. She was concerned about finding the balance between family and career, and the mood swings made her difficult to be around.
Brianna had seen the doctor a few days before. He explained that she was entering the second trimester of her pregnancy and that things would change for both her and the baby. This thrilled her like nothing ever had before. At this point, her baby already had all its organs and systems in place and was on the journey of gaining length and weight. She was fascinated with the anatomical details the doctor shared. Throughout this trimester, the umbilical cord would thicken to supply nutrients to the baby. It was essential for Brianna to be cautious since harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco could also pass through the cord. So she had to steer clear of these hazards. Then he told her simply to continue taking care of herself, and as he gave her and the baby a clean bill of health, he suggested she seek support from loved ones.
With this in mind, Brianna dug her phone out of her bag and called her mom. She wanted to tell her mother and grandmother the good news personally, not over the phone, so she invited them for lunch the next day. When both arrived around midday, Brianna felt like a member of the tribe for the first time. Three generations of worthy women settled into the living room, and boy, did they make a fuss of her when she broke the news. Mom and Grandma were experts. Brianna was one of four kids, and her mom was one of six, so both her mother and grandmother had a wealth of knowledge to share.
“You’ll feel the baby move any day now,” her grandmother said while stroking her head. “It’s called quickening, and your belly is going to grow like crazy,” her mom added. “And boy, are your sides going to hurt. Also, your nose is going to become stuffy,” her grandmother said, fishing in her bag and producing a tub of one of her home remedies. “Here, take this. It’ll help.”
Brianna drank in every bit of valuable advice, and her second trimester passed like a flash. She started winding down at work and settled into the final stretch of her pregnancy. She was getting huge, and simple tasks were becoming more difficult. But she didn’t want to ask for help for every little thing and tried to do most of them herself. Every action felt like an achievement now, and every thought that passed through her mind had something or another to do with the birth of the baby. She was now seeing it almost every night. She dreamt of a little girl with her smile and her eyes, and every time she thought about her hair, her heart would skip a beat. Would she inherit that too?
She didn’t know how to feel about that. She had had a love-hate relationship with her hair as a child that lasted long into her teenage years and didn’t want her baby to go through the same experience. But she did want it to be proud of whatever feature it was going to inherit.
Brianna was now seeing her doctor every two weeks. He had confirmed that she was having a little girl, and it made her heart bounce. She had to pinch herself. Everything about her pregnancy was going perfectly. She couldn’t think of a single thing she would add or take away, even if physically she felt like a mess. Her ankles were swollen, and so were her hands and face. She felt like she weighed a ton, and she couldn’t eat anything without getting the worst heartburn imaginable. But through all of this, Brianna knew she glowed like never before. She was carrying a new life inside her, and it was simply magical.
Twice, three days apart, she got Braxton Hicks contractions. This really excited her. The first time, like many new mothers do, she thought it was the real thing. Brianna dropped everything and had a friend rush her to the doctor. He smiled gently and explained that it was a false alarm. This was simply her body and the baby preparing for the big event.
And when it came, the big event was, well, big. Brianna made it to the hospital just in time. The kid was in a hurry, and she barely had time to put her hair in a messy bun and cover it with a scarf. There was a point where she thought the baby would arrive in her friend’s car on the way to the hospital, but she was in too much pain to worry about it. She was ready, her body was ready, and the baby was definitely ready. It took less than two hours for the new little human to greet the big wide world. She weighed in at just over seven pounds and was perfectly healthy. By the sound of her voice, it was clear that the girl had a bright singing career ahead of her.
Mother and daughter bonded instantly. As soon as they brought the baby to Brianna, she felt like jumping out of her skin. The little girl had the most beautiful eyes, curious and looking around the room at the big world she was only just seeing for the first time. But above all, she had the most beautiful splash of white hair on her forehead.
“Milana,” Brianna said softly. “That’s your name, precious little one.”
The nurses were shocked by the sight, but the mom seemed perfectly at ease with her daughter’s strange hair. More than that, she seemed oddly proud of it. When the doctor came into her room, he sat down on the corner of the bed.
“She has the same condition as you, Brianna,” he said. “Poliosis circumscripta.”
As he spoke, she undid the knot on the scarf that was keeping the hair out of her face. She had tied it up so she could focus on breathing and pushing without distractions, but also so that no one would ask her uncomfortable questions while she was going through the most delicate moment of her life. And as she undid her tight bun, her own streak of white hair took a proud placement in front of her head. It was her trademark, something that made her completely unique. She had known for nine months that the baby would have it too. There was no specific reason for her to think so, but she knew in her heart of hearts.
When she was little, the doctors explained what it was. They called it a white forelock or poliosis circumscripta. They told her mom, who had exactly the same thing, that this is a condition characterized by a localized patch of white hair in a
specific group of hair follicles. It can occur on any of the hairy areas of the body: the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Under the microscope, poliosis simply looks like a reduction or absence of melanin or melanocytes.
When Brianna was at school, she had been called various names by other children, like “skunk.” While the taunts stung and affected her in her youth, she developed a genuine affection for the distinct appearance it gave her hair over time, and she ultimately ended up embracing it as her own unique signature style. Besides, her mother had the same condition, and so did her grandmother. It was a family trait. Perhaps that’s why she simply knew her baby would have the same.
Sure, the condition had its drawbacks. She got stopped by people who admired the feature wherever she went. Mostly, she loved the kind comments and didn’t mind answering curious questions. But when she was in a rush or focused on something else, it tended to become too much. Whenever she felt annoyed, she reminded herself that it made her unique, and that’s what she loved the most. She just hoped that her baby would love it too and that the world wouldn’t be cruel to her. After all, poliosis circumscripta is nothing to be ashamed of nor a reason to be bullied.
But for the first time, the thought of her condition having such a fancy name concerned Brianna. “She’s going to be okay though, right?” she asked with big eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with her, is there?”
The doctor smiled and shook his head. “Some things can go wrong,” he said frankly, “and we’ll test for all of those. But the clan of worthy women all seem to be fine, so there’s no reason to suspect Milana will be any different. Congratulations, Brianna. This is the beginning of the rest of your life.”
How fantastic that Brianna got her wish and Milana got her trademark white patch. Do you have a remarkable birthmark or genetic trait that runs in your family?