
This Baby was Born Without EYES And His Mother Was SCARED, But The Unexpected Took Place – Touching Story (Video)

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Mother is scared to see that her baby was born without eyes however this story has an ending that moved everyone

When the American Lorraine went to perform an ultrasound along with her husband Brian they discovered that the baby had no eyes and had only a hole in her brain in addition to having hydrocephalus which is excess water in the brain.

Doctors recommended that you terminate the pregnancy as the baby only had a one percent chance of being born alive however they refused firmly believing that God was in charge of the little girl’s Destiny although an ultrasound confirmed that the vital organs of the baby named Eleanor were functioning normally her brain .

malformation was serious even so the couple continued the pregnancy and Eleanor came into the world in pain through a Caesarean section at 37 weeks due to the fluid increasing in her head for the couple seeing Eleanor for the first time was one of the scariest moments of their lives suddenly she saw the baby being transferred to a small table she wasn’t moving.

she had a very big head no eyes and she still hadn’t taken her first breath it scared the out of me as I thought she was no longer alive Lorraine recalled when Eleanor finally took a deep breath the couple rejoiced and cried after birth Eleanor underwent surgery to remove the extra fluid in her brain and by the time she was four months old Eleanor had already overcome an important prognosis her brain mass had grown substantially.

A miracle for which according to her mother has no medical explanation after spending six months in the hospital Eleanor was discharged and was finally able to go home today Eleanor is four years old and doing very well Lorraine and Brian maintain a website called made by Eleanor where they share their daughter’s remarkable progress after going through so many hardships and triumphs Eleanor’s parents couldn’t be more proud of their daughter she explores and puts a lot of effort into everything she does Laureen said.

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