This Girl Started Handling Snakes At 9yrs, She Got Bitten Several Times By Snakes And She Never Stops – (Video)

LITTLE Krista Guarino is only NINE years old — but she’s already proving an expert snake handler.
The brave schoolgirl lives with a staggering 30 reptiles, including anacondas and a 12 ft python at her home in Michigan, America.
She eats, sleeps and plays with the creatures — some of which are twice her size. And she’s even been bitten a few times but none of the snakes are venomous – and courageous Krista says it doesn’t hurt.
Krista, the eldest of three children, was first introduced to the animals by dad Jamie, 33, who is a snake specialist. And she held her first when she was just two years old.
Despite her young age, she has already set her sights on opening her own reptile zoo when she’s older. And she’s determined to change perceptions about the misunderstood snake.
Below is the Conversation with the girl and her family included video.
KRISTA: I’m never afraid of snakes, not even a little bit. I’m crazy for snakes.
LAURA: I really don’t like them at all. they, they kinda freak me out.
COMM: Most nine year old girls enjoy playing with dolls. But Kirsta Guarino from Michigan is one of a kind. She prefers snakes, and lives with thirty of them.
JAMIE: It’s just an anaconda, c’mon, it’s harmless.
KRISTA: Ow! MAN: How do you feel?
KRISTA: Um…excited.
COMM: Krista gets her love of snakes from dad Jamie, and held her first when she was just two years old.
JAMIE: It was her third word y’know snake, she would always point and just say snake! And i just knew right then and there she was gonna be, y’know this was gonna be her passion. I could just tell.
COMM: Since then she’s developed a natural talent for snake handling. Some are twice her size and known to bite.
COMM: But it hasn’t put her off, even when she was out hunting for rattlesnakes.
JAMIE: Oh it’s a rattle!
KRISTA: Oh cool!
JAMIE: All right we’re gonna release them far away from people.
JAMIE: He loves you.
COMM: Mum Ashli isn’t a big fan of snakes.
JAMIE: Hold him!
C’mon! ASHLI: No! You guys do what you want but I think you’re crazy.
COMM: And grandmother Laura isn’t happy with Krista’s hobby.
LAURA: It bothers me a lot, to me I’m afraid she’s going to get bit, hurt, who knows strangled. It really upsets me, a lot.
JAMIE: I’ve had some specific negative comments towards Krista and snakes, y’know “You shouldn’t let your daughter be around those evil serpents, she could get killed and strangled” and y’know some ridiculous comments and I just have to come back with y’know you’re not educated at all, she’s never put in danger so y’know I kinda get mad but I laugh at them.
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