
This Guy Has 17 Freezers In His Living Room But What He Keeps In Them Is Unbelievable! (Video)

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Why does he do it? Because somebody has to care. That is the answer Allan Law gives people when they ask him why he chooses to spend his days and nights delivering food and goods to people in need in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Known as the “Sandwich Man” he has made it his life’s mission to help the homeless and less fortunate since retiring from teaching 16 years ago.

Since then he has gone on to deliver thousands of sandwiches and tons of food, while raising much needed awareness for the plight of those that he meets on the streets. His work has helped so many of them out in countless ways and he has undeniably left a lasting impression on most of the people he has met.

Thankfully, he doesn’t have to do this all alone and works alongside friends, civic, church, and business groups to distribute donations and meals. An army of around 800 volunteers help to make the sandwiches and hand them out. He has so much bread, cheese and meats stored at his house for this purpose that he needs 17 freezers to store it

All those freezers take up his living room space and don’t leave much room for anything else. That is why he is always seeking people to lend him any spare, unused space they may have, so he can use it to temporarily store the goods and essentials that he hands out nightly.

The number on the side of his car seems to sum up what Allan Law is all about. His minivan sports the figure 363. Most people assume it stands for the number of days he volunteers to help those in need. However, it fittingly represents the number of days a year that people don’t think about the homeless or less fortunate, which is why he is out there day after day. Someone has to care and Allan Law, aka Sandwich Man, most definitely does.

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