
This Man Saved A Crocodile From Dying. Years Later, The Unexpected Happened

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“This man saved a crocodile from dying. Years later, the unexpected happened. Some of the most dangerous animals on Earth are found in the water. Most have powerful jaws and attack lightning fast, which is why fishermen normally stay far out of their way. Ambo was like most fishermen. He led a quiet life, but all that changed one day after a close encounter with a vicious animal at sea.

Ambo was from Calimatin, and he spent half of his life in the water. He had an old wooden fishing boat that he took out to sea early each morning, catching fish to take to the market by the docks. Ambo had been working to support his newborn son, Booty. Every boatload of fish helped Ambo to pay for Booty to go to elementary school. He didn’t want Booty to have to become a fisherman like he did when he was young.

Ambo worked alone. He had to prepare the bait and the fishing lines and get his boat out to sea each morning, which was no easy task. He lived next to the river and kept his small boat close by. So each day, he had to navigate through a narrow river for 10 minutes until it flowed into a calm part of the sea.

On one quiet morning, when he reached the sea, it felt peaceful. The sun was still hiding behind the horizon as Ambo paddled to one of his favorite spots. He was there before any of the other fishermen, which is the way he liked it. But…..Read Full Story Here…,.

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