This Woman Could’t Lay Down On The Bed For 48 Hours When The Doctor Examined Her He Called The Cops

This woman couldn’t lay down on the bed for 48 hours. When the doctor examined her, he called the cops. A woman was left horrified after an ultrasound revealed that teeth and hair had been growing inside her uterus for two years after fetal tissue separated from her son while she was pregnant.

The woman, who goes by the username “sandwich bread” online, explained that she went to the gynecologist after she started experiencing pain in her abdomen and abnormal bleeding. At first, the woman, who gave birth to her son Atlas in July 2020, was convinced that she was pregnant with another baby. But it turned out to be something way worse.
The TikToker actually had a dermoid cyst in her uterus that was the size of a chicken egg, and it had grown its own hair and teeth. According to the woman, it formed when she was pregnant two years prior after particles of fetal tissue got separated during the development of the fetus. She opened up about the terrifying ordeal on TikTok, and it quickly went viral, leaving many people on the internet mortified. “I went to the……..Read Full Story Here.………………..