Trending Video On Twitter Show How Black Sundanese Are Treated In Israel, Go Back Home “N”, This Country Is For Jews (Video)

A Trending Video footage posted on Twitter by mint press news with over 839k view, show how black immigrants from Sundanese were allegedly embarrassed and disgraced by Israel Jews , who Keep telling them to Back to their country.
The video footage feature alot of different scenes were Black Sundanese were subjected to discrimination by some Jews who called them the “N” shouting go back to your country, this is our country we were Born here.
In another scene in the video a man was seen tell an Israeli who got married to a black Sundanese to get out Of the country with them for marriage a N!ger for it is a shame for her to marry a N!ger.

Watch Video Below:
This video footage was posted on Twitter by mint press and it currently trending with alot of reactions and engagement.