
Trump Goes Absolutely Berserk With the Walls Closing in on ‘Four Radical Left Investigations’: It’s ‘ALL SICK, FAKE NEWS!’

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Former President Donald Trump reverted to his ALL CAPS ways Monday morning in a typo-ridden rant that some armchair psychologists may see as evidence of an unhinging. Others, however, may just call it “Monday.”

Trump posted on Truth Social:

These Four Radical Left investigations of your all time favorite President, ME, is just a continuation of the most disgusting Witch Hunt in the HISTORY of our Country. No different than the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX, the UKRAINE, UKRAINE, UKRAINE IMPEACHMENT SCAM, the SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN, the “NO COLLUSION” MUELLER REPORT, etc. Whether it’s the MAR-a-LAGO RAID, the UNSELECT COMMITTEE HOAX, the PERFECT GEORGIA PHONE CALL, or the STORMY “HORSEFACE” DANIALS EXTORTION PLOT, ALL SICK, FAKE NEWS!

Yes, the walls are closing in! Or are they? The oft-repeated framing for five+ years on largely progressive outlets have nearly all come up empty, as Trump has thus far been able to avoid an indictment, let alone an orange jumpsuit or perp walk as so many of his adversaries have fantasized.

Still, it’s pretty damn weird that the former president, and current leader of the Republican party, is taking to putting out such conspiratorial ravings and no one bats an eye.

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