
TRUMP TO JOIN AT 7:15!!! – LIVE STREAM: Pastors for Trump Prayer Call at 7pm Eastern – Join Pastor Lahmeyer, Pastor Hagen, General Flynn, Roger Stone, OAN’s Dan Ball, RAV’s Karyn Turk, TGP’s Joe Hoft, Angela Stanton King and More

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Earlier today TGP announced this evening’s prayer call with Pastor Jackson Lahmeye and guests. Pastor Laymeyer says: The War Against Trump Is A War Against Christianity

Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer shared earlier today:

As I have written about in the past, President Trump gave the Christian faithful the most access we have ever gained at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He appointed enough Supreme Court Justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

I started Pastors For Trump a few months ago after watching many well-known Evangelical leaders abandon him. We have chapters in all 50-states and have on our board Pastor Craig Hagin of Rhema Bible Church. We remain committed to helping President Trump return to the White House and are committed to this task because of the fruitful results we as Christians realized during his first term. We believe he will help set our nation back on the right path under God.

I would like invite you to our Nationwide Prayer Call Monday, March 20th at 7pm eastern to show support for President Trump and to provide guidance for those who are worried about the country amid these uncertain times.

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