Twins Are Born With Their Heads Joined Together And After Surgery They Look Like This- (Video)

The twins liz and mel were born conjoined at the skull, this condition is described by science as craniopagus and cases are very rare it is estimated to occur in 1 in 2.5 million births.
The diagnosis of the malformation was made in the 10th week of gestation despite their condition the twins came into the world healthy and 10 months after their birth they were operated on to separate them.
More than 50 professionals participated in the intervention at the hospital da crianza de brasilia jose de allenkar it was the first procedure of its kind in the federal district the third in brazil and the tenth in the world.
The surgery which was performed through the sus unified health system and lasted about 20 hours was done in 36 stages fortunately the operation was a success and the twins were not left with any sequelae from the procedure after a period of recovery in the hospitals.
the twins were discharged and were able to go home currently mel and liz are separated the mother camilla vieira said that mel is the more playful cheerful giggly and risk-taking one liz on the other hand is more delicate affectionate loving and gentle at the same time that they are opposites.
they complement each other being very similar in some characteristics it all depends very much on the day proud of her daughter’s trajectories camilla said that the greatest happiness is to see the freedom they have now that they are separated.
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