
Unhinged Climate Activist Storms Stage, Interrupts Sen. Josh Hawley’s Speech, Yammers “China is Not Our Enemy, the Climate Crisis Is!” (VIDEO)

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On Thursday, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) gave a speech at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, on national security and his defense policy plan, which includes relations with China and security assistance for Ukraine.

The event was titled, “China and Ukraine: A Time for Truth.”

“Americans should hear a truth that few in Washington will acknowledge: If China invades Taiwan, it will likely succeed. Senator Josh Hawley will chart a new defense policy that prioritizes our biggest threat, challenges the consensus on Ukraine, and safeguards Americans at home,” according to the Heritage website.

During the event, an unhinged climate activist holding a banner suddenly ran on stage and interrupted Hawley’s speech.

The woman began talking foolishly, “We have the largest military in the world. We spend over $1 trillion every year in this state. Your state of Missouri is over half of the people are in poverty. China is not our enemy, the climate crisis is.”

“We are continuing to have more aggression with China, and we are spending more of our military than 100 countries combined. The climate crisis is our common threat!” the climate activist claimed.

The woman was immediately escorted off the stage.

“It’s interesting. This administration wants to use the climate crisis as a justification for its agenda in Ukraine and elsewhere. Maybe they ought to visit with that guy,” Sen. Hawley said after the woman was removed from the stage.

Watch the video below:

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