
Wait—what? Swedish Climate Brat Greta Thunberg Attacks Davos Elites “Who are Mostly Fueling the Destruction of the Planet” for Prioritizing “Self-Greed, Corporate Greed” (VIDEO)

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When the creation turns on the creators.

Earlier this week, Swedish climate brat Greta Thunberg was “arrested” for protesting open-pit coal mining in Lützerath, Germany, as world media breathlessly recounted.

Greta was detained by German authorities for protesting again in a new coal mine. New videos that have emerged seem to show the whole stunt was staged.

Just a few days ago, she was in Germany; and now, she’s in Davos.

On Thursday, climate change conspiracy theorist and mainstream media darling Greta Thunberg joined Bloomberg on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum.

During the discussion, Greta suddenly changed her tune and began attacking those who were assisting her in promoting her climate change agenda.

“Basically, the people who are mostly fueling the destruction of the planet, the people who are at the very core of the climate crisis, the people who are investing in fossil fuels, etc. And yet somehow, these are the people that we seem to rely on solving our problems where they have proven time and time again that they are not prioritizing,” Thunberg said.

Wait, what? Did we hear it right?

Greta continued by saying these elites attending the WEF summit in Davos are prioritizing “self-greed, corporate greed, and short-term economic profits.”

“They are prioritizing self-greed, corporate greed, and short-term economic profits above people and above planet. Right now, the changes that we need are not very likely to come from the inside. Rather, I believe they will come from the bottom up, so to speak,” she said.

“Because without public pressure, without massive public pressure from the outside, at least in my experience and these people are going to go as far as they possibly can as long as they can get away with it. They will continue to invest in fossil fuels. They will continue to throw people under the bus for their own gain,” she continued.

Watch the video below:

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