
WATCH: “Do The Judges Have The Integrity To Make The Lawful, Correct, Factual Ruling?” – Christina Bobb Tells Bannon She Is “Extremely Unimpressed” With Katie Hobbs’ Weak Response To Kari Lake’s Lawsuit

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President Trump’s attorney Christina Bobb joined Bannon’s War Room earlier this week to discuss Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit against the stolen Midterm Election in Arizona.

This interview was one day after Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County filed their ‘Answering Briefs‘ in the Arizona Court of appeals.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that the Arizona Appeals Court ordered a conference to be scheduled for February 1 in Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen election. Lake recently told Steve Bannon, “We know they stole the election, and we have more evidence coming forth.”

Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County were given until January 17 to respond and attempt to get the case rejected. Both filed ‘Answering Briefs’ in an attempt to have the case dismissed before the hearing date.

Christina Bobb discussed this update with Bannon on Wednesday, telling the audience that “Kari Lake’s legal team filed a very compelling appeal,” and she is “Extremely unimpressed” with the defense’s response.

Christina Bobb told Bannon, “Kari Lake’s team now gets a chance to file a reply to the response … and they’ll file that in the next few days.”

Bobb also spoke about her new upcoming book, “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024,” which is set to expose the corruption in the Democratic Party and the weak RINO establishment with an introduction from Steve Bannon. Preorder it today!

“If the Court of Appeals wants to affirm the trial court’s opinion and just rubber stamp this and move forward, they basically have to create new law in Arizona,” Bobb stated. “I think this comes down to the integrity of our judicial system. Do the Judges have the integrity to make the lawful, correct, factual ruling?”

The Gateway Pundit reported that Arizona already had one gubernatorial election overturned by the courts nearly one year after the election due to a miscount of votes. These Judges must decide the correct, factual ruling and follow the established precedent!

Watch below:

Bannon: Walk me through. How compelling is her defense? Ma’am, you’ve gone through the paperwork

Bobb: Not very. I was actually very pleased to see the paperwork. Kari Lake’s legal team filed a very compelling appeal. The law in Arizona is very clear; it’s been established for 100 years. If the election is uncertain, meaning you can’t tell who actually won, you can’t tell whether voters were disenfranchised, and there’s uncertainty surrounding the election, then that county needs to be thrown out. It’s very, very clear, and it has happened before in Arizona’s History. Kari’s case is clear. Certainly, when you have nearly two-thirds of the machines malfunction on Election Day and problems with the ballot on-demand printers, they can’t read the ballot, and then you’ve got whistleblowers, you’ve got problems with signature verification. There’s no doubt that this election was uncertain. If this election was not uncertain, I don’t know what an uncertain election looks like. So, her case is very strong. And the defense’s reply basically says, “nuh uh.” It argues that what she’s saying is not true. I mean, we all saw the machines malfunction. We all saw the massive lines. And they’re basically saying that she’s making her claims based on falsehoods and things that are not provable and not true. So, I think she has more than proven her case. I think the trial court judge, Judge Thompson failed to follow Arizona law, failed to follow the established precedent. And if the Court of Appeals wants to affirm the trial court’s opinion and just rubber stamp this and move forward, they basically have to create new law in Arizona. They have to say that the standard is something other than being uncertain because she’s more than proven that point.

Bannon: So, in a nutshell, you’re unimpressed with the defense that Hobbs has put up is that how we’re to take it?

Bobb: Extremely unimpressed. I think this comes down to the integrity of our judicial system. Do the Judges have the integrity to make the lawful, correct, factual ruling? Kari Lake has more than proven her case, and the public has seen this play out and seen exactly what happened in the Arizona election. I don’t think it’s fooling anybody. And so there’s more than enough there to make the correct legal factual ruling. And it’s up to the Judges whether they actually have the integrity to do that.

Bannon: When will we have a hearing?

Bobb: The hearing is February 1. So Kari Lake’s team now gets a chance to file a reply to the response that the defendants just filed last night. And they’ll file that in the next few days. And then, the oral arguments will be on February 1, and we’ll see what the court rules.

Bobb: Please check out stealing your votes. You can get it on Amazon. I give all the details about what happened and, more importantly, what average citizens, everyday people, can do to get involved to make sure it doesn’t happen in ’24.

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