
Mother Reject And Abandoned Baby Born Without Eyes. You Won’t Believe What Happened To Him

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“When her baby was born without eyes, this young mother decided to abandon him, but little Sasha’s life was far from over, and what happened to him in the following months was truly unbelievable.

The morning that Sasha was born, his young mother had to make a difficult decision. During her regular prenatal checkups, doctors had picked up on the potential medical problem with the baby.

It was their ethical responsibility to inform her at the 31st week of pregnancy that there seemed to be a problem with the child’s eyes.

The doctors had tried to prepare the mother for the situation and also told her that their diagnosis was no, that sentence. However, feelings of anguish and hopelessness overwhelmed her the moment the doctor delivered the baby boy.

No one could have prepared her for the moment that she first saw his face. Sasha was born with no eyeballs. Where there were supposed to be two shiny blue eyes, there were only the lids covering the absence of any organ capable of generating vision in sight.

Even the staff of the hospital in the city of Tomsk, Russia, were amazed and surprised at this baby. Despite the doctors trying to prepare the young mother for the shock, when she saw the boy, she started crying uncontrollably.

It was clear that she was completely overwhelmed by what had happened. It was also clear that if she could run away and pretend that this never had happened, she would probably have done so.

Everybody tried to comfort and motivate the mother for the future. She herself tried her best to take up her responsibility, but she simply could not cope.

A few days later, she felt that the only option she had was to leave the blind boy in the care of a local orphanage. He was officially registered at Alexander K but later became known as Sasha.

His mom felt as if she would not have the ability to care for him and responsibly decided to separate from him. Since he didn’t have eyes, she knew that he would need specialist care, something she knew she would not be able to provide. IDE for him, and emotionally she knew she would never grow to love this special boy.

Someone called her selfish, but the hospital staff understood her decision. The eye condition that Sasha was suffering from was very rare. In fact, doctors only knew of two similar cases in Russia, known as Sx2 an ofalia syndrome.

This condition often causes other serious health problems in its patients. Usually, the syndrome leads to abnormal development of the eyes and other parts of the body, so one in every 250,000 children worldwide are affected by this rare syndrome.

Sasha’s mother had no experience in caring for babies, yet never mind babies with disabilities. There was no way of predicting whether her child’s condition would cause additional health issues in the future, besides the blindness.

So, she signed away her parental rights and left, hoping that someone else would step up to take care of her extraordinary baby.

The doctors themselves were worried about him and ran all kinds of tests to prepare for the worst that could happen. After all, they knew the side effects the syndrome could cause.

But surprisingly, in Sasha’s case, there were very few health problems except for the absence of both eyes. He had only two benign cysts on his forehead that could be removed surgically. This operation would be put on ice for a later and more convenient time.

Specialists visited the hospital and guided the doctors on an appropriate way to start taking care of Sasha in order to prevent his face from becoming the form Med as he grew.

Two tiny eye orbs had to be implanted in his eye sockets. One of the nurses from the orphanage in Tomsk accompanied him to St. Petersburg, where the specialized operation was done.

The little brave boy even endured this procedure with a smile, and thankfully the operation was a success. However, in order for this process to be successful in the long term, the boy had to go for a similar operation every 6 months as his face grew, until the time his features were fully developed.

The sad truth about Sasha’s condition was that he would have to live with blindness for the rest of his life. Currently, there’s no known medical cure available to ever help with this boy to see, unless an incredible medical breakthrough is revealed during his lifetime.

Like all babies, Sasha was taken for regular medical checkups and tests. The good news was that he was otherwise in excellent health. This made him a rare phenomenon with regard to the syndrome he suffered from.

Despite his disability, little Sasha was a ray of sunshine in the orphanage. His nurses described them as a pure delight. At the age of 6 months, to them, he was no different from other kids. He responded in a similar way to playing and was especially fond of swimming. His cheerful smile had the ability to soften the hardest of hearts.

Unfortunately, children with disabilities or special needs are often overlooked by possible adoptive parents, and this was the case for Sasha too. Every time a family came to the orphanage to look for a child to bring home with them, they would spend several minutes looking at him with pity in their eyes, only to walk past his cot without sparing a second glance.

Like his mother, they feared the challenges that would come with a disabled child like him. And despite feeling for the poor blind boy, they felt like he belonged in a hospital or hospice.

But the orphanage staff believed he deserved a family of his own. So, when he was 6 months old, they decided to make his plight publicly known by sharing his story on social media. They soon turned him into a celebrity all around the world.

In fact, there was quite a lot of interest from all over the continent to potentially adopt this little boy. Although this was an encouraging fact, the situation was complicated.

The adoption authorities had to make sure that they were making the best decision for Sasha’s future. With international adoptions becoming more commonplace, Sasha could soon be living anywhere around the globe and disappearing from the radar, preventing them from checking in on him and making sure he was happy and healthy.

For this reason, the situation was delayed until New Year’s Day, a main festive celebration in Russia, when a white-bearded man known as Grandfather Frost delivers presents to the children.

Many people dream of a pile of gifts for Christmas, but the present Sasha received was simply the best of all time. After 2 months of investigations, this little abandoned boy got a family just in time for the festive season. He was 8 months old by now, and as soon as he heard his new mother’s voice, he erupted in a smile that the orphanage staff described as delightful.

To protect the privacy of this family, all that could be said was that it also had two little daughters, which meant that Sasha would have the privilege of growing up with siblings.

In addition, it was revealed that the family lived in a traditional season Country House in another Russian city. Some may think that his new parents took on a huge burden by adopting him, but in truth, to the adoptive family and especially his two sisters, Sasha was an enormous Christmas gift.

They had always wanted a boy to compare their family, and now they had one. True, Sasha would need special care and more attention than an average child, but this didn’t mean that he couldn’t bring them as much joy as they were bringing to him.

Staff at the orphanage are extremely happy to see a child adopted, but when Sasha left, they were both happy and sad at the same time.

Everybody was glad that this little ray of sunshine finally got the loving family he deserved, but they also knew that they would dearly miss the giggles and smiles of this little boy who responded with joy to their familiar voices every day.

In a sense, they were thrilled to hear that he would remain in Russia, and that they might have the chance to see him again one day. And since Sasha is perfectly healthy despite his blindness, there’s nothing holding him back from building an extraordinary life for himself.

With the support of his loving family, he will grow into an amazing human being and keep making the world a brighter place with a smile.

What an inspiring story! Do you think the mom did the right thing to give the boy up rather than not knowing how to help him develop?

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