
WATCH: Kari Lake Speaks To HUGE Crowd In Iowa, Says Election Lawsuit Is NUMBER ONE Focus, Talks About Potential Senate Run, VP Pick? – “I Will Do Everything In My Power To Get President Trump Elected”

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Kari Lake returned to her hometown in Iowa this week and is hosting a series of meet-and-greets with supporters from across the nation.

Lake will appear at another event at 1350 SW Vintage Parkway in Ankeny, Iowa, on Saturday at 5 pm.

Lake drew a massive crowd at the Scott County Republican Women Meet and Greet in Bettendorf, Iowa.

What appears to be hundreds were lined up outside the doors for the rally.

Hundreds more were packed into a “sold out” room.

Kari Lake held similarly sized rallies in Arizona while her opponent Katie Hobbs couldn’t even get 100 people to show up at her events. Kari was also leading in every poll leading up to the election. No honest person believes Katie Hobbs won the election fairly.

Lake’s court case against the Fraudulent Election for Arizona Governor is currently moving through the Arizona Court of Appeals, and a ruling is expected shortly.

Lake vowed to take her case to the Arizona Supreme Court if the Appeals Court does not make a legally correct ruling.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Kari’s “number one priority” is the Arizona Governorship. However, she is “entertaining” a run for US Senate in 2024 if her case does not prevail.

It has been suggested by many, including OANN Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion, that Kari Lake could be a great running mate for President Trump in 2024.

Even the leftist media outlets were suggesting this while Kari was campaigning for Governor.

Everyone knows Kari Lake would make an incredible Vice President!

When speaking at her sold-out event in Iowa, Lake acknowledged a supporter who cried for a Trump/Lake ticket and said, “I love President Trump, I will do everything in my power to get that man elected.”

Watch below:

Lake: As I’ve said, when it comes to a Senate run, my number one focus is taking control of the Arizona Governorship because we deserve that and we fought for that and we voted for that. But, if for some reason that doesn’t go our way because of the… someone said ‘Trump VP.’ I love President Trump, I will do everything in my power to get that man elected. Someone said, ‘Kari, you don’t have to cozy up so much to President Trump.’ But I like the guy. I’m not doing this for any gain. I truly love the man because he gave up so much. He did a lot for Iowa. He did a lot for Iowa farmers. He did a lot for Americans. And I want him back in because I think that there’s only one person who can take this mess that Joe Biden has gotten our country into, where we’re teetering on who knows what? World War III? A collapse of our economy? Who knows what’s possible? There’s only one man I know who can get in there immediately and turn this around. And that is President Donald J. Trump. So I’m gonna do whatever I can to help get him elected.

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit and her plans for 2024!

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