
WATCH: Kari Lake Video Disqualifies Maricopa County Attorney Tom Liddy’s Dishonest Closing Argument Blaming Republicans For Election Day Machine Failures in Lake v. Hobbs Trial

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Maricopa County Attorney Tom Liddy, who cooperated with Perkins Coie and corrupt Hillary Attorney Marc Elias to defend the 2022 Election results in Lake v. Hobbs, gave a contemptuous closing argument during the final day of Kari Lake’s trial last Thursday. In that argument, he made many statements we would call “questionable.”

Judge Peter Thompson sided with the Defendants and dismissed Kari Lake’s election lawsuit on Saturday, Christmas Eve.

Lake is expected to appeal Thompson’s ruling today. Abe Hamadeh is also expected to file an appeal today in his election challenge case.

The Gateway Pundit reported recently on Liddy’s wild rant in his closing remarks in the 2020 Election case with Kari Lake

The Gateway Pundit also reported on avowed statements by Liddy that contradict each other when he claimed that nobody named Betty worked in the Maricopa County Elections Department. Kari Lake’s attorneys disproved his statement the next day in court.

Liddy is not the only character in this trial who gave questionable statements to the court. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Elections Director Scott Jarrett claimed that he did not have a clue how 19-inch ballot images could be printed on a 20-inch paper.

The next day, he completely changed his story, stating that he learned of a fit-to-paper issue “a few days after Election Day” that printed “a slightly smaller image of a 20-inch image on a 20-inch paper ballot.” We have not yet determined which statement he claims was true, but it seems difficult to find a way that both are true.

The Gateway Pundit reported on video footage of Scott Jarrett being coached by his attorneys the night before changing his story. He appears to be distressed and fidgeting as they tell him what to say.

In his closing argument, Liddy started by attacking cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh, a former voting systems tester and certified ethical hacker, stating he “gives freebies to the prince of stop the steal. That’s the pillow guy[Mike Lindell].” This was after Liddy cross-examined Clay Parikh on day one of the trial, and Parikh told him that he spoke at Mike Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit. Parikh did not charge for his time at the summit aimed at exposing corrupt elections, but his travel and lodging were paid for, according to his testimony.

He then attacked Lake’s attorneys, recommending sanctions and stating, “Every lawyer is obligated to interview his or her clients, his or her witnesses, and make sure they know what they’re going to say. And if it’s not true, you can’t present it to the court. It’s an ethical violation.”

This is ironic as Liddy’s client, Scott Jarrett, appeared to present untrue statements to the court the day prior and told contradictory stories under oath.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs did, in fact, file motions for Sanctions and Applications for Attorneys’ Fees amounting to over 500,000 dollars. Katie Hobbs’ Motion sought over $450,000 for the Elias Law Group, founded by corrupt Hillary attorney Marc Elias. The sanctions and attorneys’ fees were dismissed by Judge Thompson earlier this week.

Liddy then took aim at Kari Lake, the Arizona GOP, and republican voters who chose to vote on Election Day.

He attacked Kari Lake and the AZGOP, falsely accusing them both of “political malpractice” and promulgating the message, “do not vote early.” He then blamed Republican voters who did not trust the mail-in ballot system and chose to vote on Election Day.

However, Kari Lake frequently urged voters to vote early, telling them to mail in their ballot at nearly every campaign event where she spoke.

During Lake’s tenth stop on her “Ask Me Anything Tour” featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki, Lake told the large crowd, “If you’ve got that ballot on your kitchen counter, get it out, get it in the mailbox, don’t forget it. I know some of you want to bring it” and warned against waiting until Election Day to vote.

Additionally, the Arizona GOP urged voters “don’t delay” mailing their mail-in ballots and returning their mail-in ballots into drop boxes on or before Election Day.


Katie Hobbs oversaw her own election as Secretary of State, hardly campaigned, refused to debate, spent almost zero time in the Secretary of State’s office, and created oversaw a mail-in voting debacle affecting up to 6,000 voters and sending incorrect ballots to homes. Many voters in Arizona did not have faith in the mail-in voting system, and for a good reason. Regardless it is the right of Arizona voters to vote on Election Day and not face disenfranchisement due to machine failures.

Liddy’s closing argument blamed republican voters for exercising their constitutional right to vote on Election Day for the effect that tabulation failures had on the voting population of Maricopa County, the county that houses 60% of the state’s voters. However, earlier in his argument, Liddy claimed, “Maricopa County takes responsibility for the errors that occur in every election.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Kari lake’s lawsuit alleged that 59% of polling locations in Maricopa County went down on Election Day. This seems, to many, to be an intentional sabotage of Republican voters. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony on day one of Kari Lake’s recent election trial, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates.

Liddy alleged that the advice of republican leaders was “political malpractice” and stated, “you reap what you sow.”

One might say that, in other words, he closed his case by saying, you get what you get, and when the machines and printers fail on election day, you don’t throw a fit!

Liddy’s accusations of “political malpractice” and telling voters to “wait to the last second” are inaccurate, as demonstrated by the clip of Kari Lake telling voters to vote however they feel comfortable nine days after the start of early voting in Sun City, Arizona.

Watch Liddy’s closing argument compared to Lake’s stance on the campaign trail below:

Liddy: Maricopa County takes responsibility for the errors that occur in every election. In this particular election, November 8, 2022, there were a significant number of printer errors, a minority by far, but significant.

And those did cause real inconvenience and heartache for a lot of people. Maricopa County acknowledges that. Those were Election-Day operations under the Board of Supervisors, not the Recorder. But those errors are those mishaps by machines if you will.

The effect that had on Election Day voters was compounded, Your Honor, not by intentional misconduct by any employee or anybody under control of Maricopa County, but by months and months and months of communication from the current leadership of the Republican Party of Arizona, and the communications specialists of the Kari Lake for Governor campaign that said do not vote early.

Even if you’re on the PEVL and you’ve got an early ballot, don’t mail it. Don’t drop it off the Dropbox, 2000 mules, go on Election Day and vote in person, and Lord forbid don’t ever put your ballot in the drop box in the ballot box or in drawer number three because there’s something very scary about drawer number three, which is nothing but a ballot box.

People were terrorized by that on election day. That’s not on Maricopa County. That’s on the Kari Lake for Governor campaign. That’s on the Dr. Kelly Ward lead Republican Party communications apparatus. So, we did not see in two days of testimony, and all those affidavits came in, evidence of a botched election. We saw evidence of a botched campaign, political malpractice. Who goes out and tells their voters, don’t “vote on day one voting, early voting, day two, day three, all the way up to day 26 of early voting, wait to the last second.” That’s political malpractice. Your reap what you sow.

Lake (October 21): If you’ve got that ballot on your kitchen counter, get it out, get it in the mailbox, don’t forget it. I know some of you want to bring it. This is where we’re gonna get into debate. Here’s my problem with that I’m just going to express my opinion. Okay?

Somebody forgets, they forget, they get sick, something happens, okay? And then it’s sitting on their counter, or you get there with your mail-in ballot, you want to vote the day of, or you bring it in person on the day of, on the eighth, and then it takes a long time. They’ve got to check the signature, and those are the ballots that are being counted three, four days after the election.

My feeling is if you’ve got a ballot, if that’s how you do it, vote, if you’re gonna go in person, take a friend, a like-minded friend and get them to vote with you. We just got to get out and vote, and we got to win by a mile to eke out a one-inch win, but we will restore honesty in our elections, guys, I promise you that. They don’t want it, but we do. We want every Democrat, every independent, and every Republican to know that on election night that they’re one legal vote counted and that no matter who won, they can live with it because they know the system is fair, honest, and transparent.

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