
WATCH: Karyn Turk and Ed Henry STUNNED with Joe Hoft and TGP’s Latest Reports on MORE Classified Docs on Hunter Biden’s Laptop (VIDEO)

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The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft joined Ed Henry and Karyn Turk Monday morning on “American Sunrise” on Real America’s Voice television.

On this morning’s show, Joe Hoft broke the news on our latest investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.

As reported earlier The Gateway Pundit has confirmed new classified documents and material from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Please note that the FBI has been holding this laptop since 2019. They have failed to act on this classified material that was shared by Hunter Biden and his business associates with foreign operatives. This was criminal conduct. The FBI knows this and covered it up… UNTIL NOW!

The Gateway Pundit released two reports in the last 24 hours.

1.) EXCLUSIVE: SECOND Hunter Biden Email from Laptop WITH CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Uncovered – Hunter Shared with Ukraine Business Colleagues – More Coming

2.) EXCLUSIVE: THIRD Hunter Biden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered – Classified WH Conference Call Shared with Hunter’s Ukrainian Business Partners – And SEVERAL More Are Coming

Ed Henry and Karyn Turk were flabbergasted that this material is just now being reported and that the FBI failed to take action against the Bidens.

Karyn Turk: I’m like where’s the FBI? Where is… My mind is blown! This is really bad. This is so much worse than what most of us thought!

Joe Hoft: You’re absolutely right Karyn. Here’s the deal. This is not just stealing classified information which is a felony. Just having it in your possession can be a felony, holding classified information. But in addition to that, it’s being shared with foreign entities, in this case, Burisma a firm in Ukraine. That’s espionage. That’s sharing classified information overseas. These are major crimes. Last night we had a similar email…

Karyn Turk: No charges. Nothing. This man has not been arrested for a single thing.

Ed Henry: THey have not raided Hunter’s home.

Karyn Turk: They haven’t raided! We all knew there was a two-tiered justice system. But this takes it to a whole new level!

Via American Sunrise

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