She Suddenly Went Into Labor. When The Father Saw The Baby, He Screamed And Said Only One Word!

Courtney suddenly went into labor, but when the father saw the baby, he screamed and said only one word. In the dimly lit delivery room, Courtney went into labor, with tension and anxiety filling the air as she gave loud, painful cries.
The doctors tried calming her while doing their best to ensure the successful delivery of her baby. Finally, the newborn emerged, and a sense of calm enveloped Courtney, soothing away the tension. Relief flooded through her like a bloodstream. Finally, her awake miracle had arrived. She couldn’t wait to hold her miracle in her arms.
But as she looked at the faces of the doctors, expecting to see excited and smiling faces, all she saw was a look of panic and shock on all their faces. She immediately grew anxious. She asked the doctors what was happening, but they told her to relax as they briskly rushed the baby out of the ward without even giving her the chance to hold the baby. Her anxiety grew as she watched them take her baby away. She started screaming in fright, tears running down her face, begging the remaining nurse to explain what was happening. But all she did was calm her down while the doctors whisked her child away.
Just as the doctors were leaving the ward with Courtney’s baby, Evan, her husband, walked into the ward. Meeting the wails of his wife and his daughter, he hurriedly rushed out of the ward. He ran after one of the doctors to find out what was going on, but he was told to relax and let them do their job. He ran back to meet his wife and began to calm her down, assuring her it would be fine in the end.
Two weeks later, the couple was finally allowed to hold their baby. As Evan cradled the child, tears brimmed his eyes. With a reassuring smile, Evan looked up to the tense and pitiful eyes of the doctors and the loving eyes of his wife. “Wow,” he exclaimed and gave a hearty laugh. “In every uniqueness, a masterpiece of love is painted,” he said, and a tear dropped down from his eyes.
On hearing his words, a smile of relief etched across the faces of the doctors around them. Sniffs were heard from some of them as they were touched by the depth of Evan’s paternal love. Courtney wiped the tear from her husband’s face with her thumb before proceeding to wipe hers. She then tightened her arms around her husband as they both beheld their miracle.
Courtney and her husband had been married for over 5 years without a child. They had visited hospitals and taken several tests, and it was confirmed that they both were medically fit to conceive. They took all sorts of medications, went for IVF sessions twice, and did everything humanly possible to get a child, all to no avail. The weight soon got tiring and frustrating. It often happened that Courtney would wake up in the middle of the night and begin to cry. When her husband woke up and met her crying, he would pet her and calm her. He would reassure her that they would also have their children at the perfect time. But soon, he got overwhelmed by the delay.
Not too long after, Courtney and Evan began having severe arguments on a daily basis. Not like they never had arguments in the past, like every normal couple, they did have their misunderstandings. But it wasn’t over every minor issue, and it was usually resolved almost immediately. But this time, they argued over every minute thing, whether it held any relevance or not.
Their love for each other gradually turned sour. When their arguments escalated, Evan would compare her to some of their friends who got married at the same time as they did or shortly after and already had children. He blamed her for the delay, hurting her deeply. The condition, too, was bringing him shame, so he was too blind to see how much hurt he caused his wife.
Courtney, too, would throw abuses at him, hurting his ego and worsening the situation. When Courtney couldn’t take it anymore, she decided to take a break from everything and stay on her own. She packed her things and left the house, separating herself from her husband. Evan cursed himself for hurting Courtney so much to make her leave. He cursed himself for allowing the pains to drown him so deep that he didn’t realize how badly he was hurting Courtney. He tried pleading with her to return. He promised to be more supportive and understanding, but she remained adamant and insisted that she needed a break.
Miraculously, a month after their separation, Courtney realized she hadn’t seen her monthly flow. Curiosity built up in her, but not wanting to assume, she visited the hospital and took a pregnancy test. It was then that she confirmed the good news. She was 3 weeks pregnant. Her joy knew no bounds. Tears ran down her face as she held the test result, speechless. She decided to inform her husband about the good news. On seeing her call, Evan hardly answered.
He didn’t know what to expect when he said hello, but he sure wasn’t expecting the scream that came from the other end. It was obvious from the way her voice croaked while screaming that she’d been crying. He would have panicked, but it was obvious that it was a joyous scream, and he grew curious. When he could finally make out the “I’m pregnant” screams, he doubted at first. He didn’t know why he believed his wife was playing tricks on him. When he realized she wasn’t liking his doubts, he quickly apologized but asked again if it was really true. She told him she was 3 weeks pregnant.
Evan, too, screamed for joy. A tear of joy ran down his face, but he quickly wiped it. He then pleaded and begged Courtney again that she should please return, as Brena would need both of her parents. Courtney was amazed when she heard him call the baby in her womb Brena. She questioned him about it, and Evan claimed that the baby was going to be a girl, and her name would be Brena Helen Marie. Courtney laughed and suggested they wait for the scan results first, but Evan insisted, and she let it be. She agreed to return home, and that was how the couple came back together, and their love began to blossom again.
Courtney did go for a scan a month later, just as Evan claimed. They were expecting a baby girl. Their hearts swelled with joy as they began to make preparations for Brena’s arrival, getting all the clothes and diapers and everything a child would need to be comfortable. Evan was so supportive. He would go with Courtney to all her antenatal checkups. He ran the major part of the errands at home, despite his tight schedule due to his work. He exercised with her to ensure she did. He condoned all her mood swings and tried his best to satisfy her cravings. Things he saw to it that she was happy, satisfied, and not stressed. And Courtney couldn’t be more grateful.
Whenever the baby kicked, the pain of the kick was doused by the joy that inflated Courtney’s heart. Sometimes a tear would run down her face as she placed her hands on her belly. She couldn’t believe she would ever have such an experience, that she would ever feel a baby’s first kick, especially with the situation between her and Evan at the time. Finally, she could feel the joys of motherhood. It was too overwhelming. Everything was going fine. From the ultrasound reports, the pregnancy was developing well, and so they were relaxed as they awaited Brena’s birth. Evan even began learning hairstyling skills, as he planned to style Brena’s hair in the finest way possible. They all delightfully waited for Brena, waiting to shower her with all the love and care in the world. The delivery date was fast approaching.
One particular day, Evan was called at the office for an emergency meeting with some external auditors. So Courtney was all alone at home. She got thirsty and got up to walk to the fridge when she felt a liquid trickling down her legs. Her eyes shone as she looked down, realizing what was happening. Her water broke. She was going to have her baby.
She quickly called her husband, but he wasn’t answering the call. She then texted him, after which she ordered a ride to the hospital. The pains were excruciating. They had started in a bearable manner and gradually increased beyond what she could control. She wailed and screamed and pulled at the cab’s clothes. She kept shouting he should drive faster, even though he was driving at a very dangerous speed. Fortunately, there was no traffic, and the road was clear, so they got to the hospital in time.
The cabbie immediately rushed into the hospital and called the attention of the nurses who rushed out with him to the cab and wheeled Courtney to the delivery room. One of the nurses, who was a close acquaintance of Courtney, helped pay off the cabbie. Courtney released a sigh of relief and gratitude as she brought forth her child. Finally, she could be a mother.
As she looked up to carry her baby, the horrific looks on the doctors’ faces made her take a quick look at the baby before she was whisked away. She had seen her skin was a deep shade of red and was covered in thick white scales. She wanted to believe that it could be handled easily, but the looks on the faces of the doctors made her think otherwise and completely frightened her.
Brena was rushed to the ICU. A physical examination with a genetic test in skin biopsy was carried out on her. It was then diagnosed and confirmed that she suffered from the rare genetic disorder harlequin ichthyosis. Harlequin ichthyosis is a genetic disorder that causes the body to produce skin ten times faster than normal people, and there’s no cure.
This disorder also made Brena’s chance of survival quite minimal, as she couldn’t fight off infections. The two weeks spent in the ICU was hell for Courtney and Evan Westlake as they kept praying that Brena would survive. Courtney watched her baby through the ICU window, the fear of losing Brena gripping her heart.
The baby’s skin formed into thick plates with large red cracks in between because her skin was pulled so tightly across her body. Brena’s fingers and toes were permanently shortened and couldn’t grow normally. Skin almost entirely covered her ears and nose, and her eyelids were flipped inside out. If Brena survived, she would be physically challenged for the rest of her life. Though all hope was almost lost, Brena did survive. After 2 weeks, the couple was allowed to hold their child, and with determination, ensured that Brena would grow in an atmosphere of love.
Due to this shocker, the daily routine of the Westlakes took a new shape. With Brena in the picture, Brena had to take long baths to exfoliate the extra skin. Evan, who planned to braid his daughter’s hair, took his time to delicately comb the little hair she had.
They took her for several doctor’s visits on a regular basis and treated her with the extra care her condition required. Yet, in all these, the Westlakes never disregarded Brena. They still saw her as a child worthy of love and treated her as such. Courtney even took it as a privilege, went to the media, and began educating parents about the disorder and how they can handle it.
Brena’s condition stunted her growth, and so she appeared smaller than normal. Her skin was always red and swollen. The overproduction of skin killed her hair follicles, so she had very little hair. This caused the stigma she experienced from other parents and kids, getting awkward stares from everywhere. This really made Courtney disheartened.
One day, she took to the media and wrote, “Why do parents try to avoid talking to people who look different? What are they afraid of? They could just come up to me and ask how old Brena is,” Courtney said. “When their child asks why Brena’s so red and swollen, why can’t they just be honest and say, ‘I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter how we look, we’re all unique.'”
Aside from educating parents about the disorder, Brena wrote a blog, “Blessed by Brena,” and a book, “A Different Kind of Beautiful.” She saw the condition as an opportunity to help other mothers, probably with disabled kids not necessarily similar to Brena’s. Despite her skin condition, Brena behaves like every normal child.
She loves her family just as much as they do her. She loves reading bedtime stories and playing like every normal kid. More significantly, she portrays a lot of confidence. One day, Courtney took her blog and wrote, “Brena is determined, extroverted, and sweet and sassy all at the same time. Our days are also full of uninhibited joy, real contentment, gratitude, and faith in God.”
The Westlakes are quite vocal about their daughter and always express how blessed they are to have her. They have learned many things from raising a child who’s a bit different and use the opportunity to help other parents learn these things as well. How would you have reacted upon seeing your baby in the same condition? Let us know in the comments.