
“We Can’t Trust Him Around Actual Power… He Sells it to the Lobbyists” – Rep. Matt Gaetz Slams RINO McCarthy After Failed Negotiation

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Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 20th District) was huddling with his detractors in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday after two days of brutal losses.

Following the meeting, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL 1st District) blasted McCarthy following closed-door meeting.

“He’s a desperate guy whose vote share is dropping with every subsequent vote, and I’m ready to vote all night, all week, all month, and never for that person,” Rep. Gaetz told reporters.

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On Wednesday night, Rep. Matt Gaetz provided details on the negotiations regarding who will serve as Speaker of the House during a Twitter Space discussion.

The topic turned to his criticism of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and he declared that “there is blood in the water” in the race for the speakership.

“The Republican Party right now is in need of change, and Washington is in need of change, and McCarthy kind of embodies a lot of the things that are the worst features of Washington and the worst features of the Republican Party,” Gaetz said.

So I am in the Lauren Boebert camp. If we can’t wake this guy up every day and put him in a straight jacket right after the prayer of the pledge where basically he is a disembodied portrait, we can’t trust him around actual power because we know what he does with it. He sells it to the lobbyists and the special interests for money that he then redistributes. It is a crazy game that you almost never actually want to win,” Gaetz continued.

Listen to the audio below:

When asked if nobody wanted to be Speaker, Gaetz responded, “Nah man, there is blood in the water. I had people from three different camps reach out to me. ‘What do you think about this person? What do you think about that person?’ Here’s the problem, the most frequent question I get asked is ‘what’s the plan? How does it end? Who’s next? Who do we ultimately end up with? We’ve seen you guys go from Biggs to Jordan to Donalds.’”

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