
What? Charges Dropped Against DC Climate Activist for Assaulting Police Officers Three Times — ONLY Trump Supporters Get Time!

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Over 900 Trump supporters have had their lives ruined by the FBI, DOJ, and criminal DC Courts for their actions on January 6, 2021.

95% of these patriots did nothing more than walk inside the US Capitol and leave when they were asked to.

Dozens of men and women are being held behind bars for attending the rally. Several of these individuals had confrontations with the police. Several were arrested and jailed for two years for non-violent crimes.

It’s too bad they do not identify as far left.

A DC court this week dropped charges against Kevin Cramer, 27, after he assaulted a a police officer and resisted arrest at a climate protest in October.

There is video of Cramer’s arrest. His comrades are screaming profanities in the background.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The charges against a Washington, D.C., climate activist have been dropped after he was arrested in October on claims that he assaulted police officers.

Kevin Cramer, 27, of Arlington, Virginia, was charged in the district’s Superior Court “on three counts of assaulting a police officer and one count of resisting arrest,” per the Washington Post. The charges were then dropped by prosecutors on Jan. 9, according to court documents.

Cramer’s attorney Brandon Burrell told the outlet that the case was dismissed without prejudice, which allows the prosecutors to refile charges at another time if they choose to do so.

The video of Cramer’s arrest went viral on social media, as the footage showed police pushing Cramer and other activists to the ground during a protest on Oct. 14, 2022.

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