
What I Had in my Belly Has Never Been Seen Before in The History of The Hospital

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“The one thing we know for sure in life is that things don’t always turn out the way we think they will. Sometimes we get surprises. Courtney and her husband Derek were in for a surprise when the doctor told them what she had in her belly; she had never seen it before. So let’s see what happened.

Courtney and Eric Waldrop are a lovely couple from Alabama. They’ve been together since high school, and when they married in 2004, it was clear they wanted to have a large family. Courtney soon fell pregnant, and nine months later, they welcomed their son Sailor into the world. Their journey as parents had officially begun.

Within a year, they began trying for their second child. But now they faced obstacles, and unfortunately, Courtney suffered a few miscarriages. ‘It was devastating because I can get pregnant very easily, but I can’t keep them,’ Courtney said in an interview.

Of course, she and her husband went for medical checkups, but were told it was difficult to determine why she was losing the babies. However, fertility treatments eventually worked, and Courtney became pregnant again, this time with……Read Full Story Here……….

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