
When a Boy Visits An Animal Shelter to Adopt a Dog, He Starts Crying. What Happens Next is Amazing (Video)

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Jackson a four-year-old little boy lives with his mother in his cozy family home his father is a marine and so is often away from home. leaving him and his mom at home living a pretty normal life Mrs betshard doesn’t work, but rather stays home to take care of her son though just like every other four-year-old Jackson had more energy than most and often enjoys playing in his yard. his mum is an avid animal lover that often advocated for animal rights and in turn assisted by fostering dogs.

Until they found a forever home this was something Mrs betchard started doing when they moved out of army housing and in normal Suburbia she wanted to share her love of animals with her young son while also offering him some companionship to run around with outside it was through these wise actions that led Jackson to do what he did on that fateful day.

Jackson grew to love animals especially energetic dogs more and more the older he got he searched for every moment he could get to interact with the animals he was surrounded with as a minimum his mother ensured that they fostered at least three dogs at a time.

Currently the family is fostering four beautiful dogs and two cats Jackson’s favorite is Geo the dog because of his calm sweet nature Jackson would spend hours each day outside in the yard playing with his doggy friends returning inside daily covered in mud stains just as a child should his canine companions brought smiles to his face.

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