
White Couple Who Pulled Gun on Black Family Let Off Scot Free

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Charges against a White couple who pointed guns at a Black mother and daughter in Michigan have been dismissed by a judge. The incident, which occurred in 2020, sparked outrage and renewed discussions about racism and police brutality in the United States.

In July 2020, Jillian and Eric Wuestenberg confronted Takelia Hill and her daughter outside a Chipotle restaurant in Orion Township, Michigan. The Wuestenbergs, who are White, had bumped into the 15-year-old daughter who demanded an apology. When they refused, the altercation escalated, and the Wuestenbergs pulled out their guns and pointed them at the mother and daughter.

The incident was captured on video and went viral, prompting widespread condemnation and calls for justice. The Wuestenbergs were arrested and charged with felonious assault, a charge that carries a maximum penalty of four years in prison.

However, Oakland County Judge Mary Ellen Brennan dismissed the charges against the couple, citing insufficient evidence. The decision sparked renewed outrage and calls for accountability.

Critics argue that the judge’s decision sends the wrong message about the seriousness of racism and violence against Black Americans. They also point out that the incident is just one example of a broader pattern of systemic racism and police brutality in the United States.

Hill and her daughter have expressed disappointment with the judge’s decision and called for reforms to address racism and violence against Black Americans. They have also urged people to continue speaking out and demanding justice.

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